Thursday 7 April 2016

Conferencia MEETING G2.2, octubre 2016, Zagreb

Poštovani prijatelji,

Ove godine ocekujemo velike promjene koje ce utjecati na hrvatsku gospodarsku buducnost i suradnju s hrvatskom dijasporom diljem svijeta. Razlog tome optimizmu jest imenovanje Tihomira Oreškovica za predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske od 2016. do 2020. godine.

Premijer Oreškovic ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u privatnom sektoru, pa temeljem toga ocekujemo stvaranje pozitivnijeg ozracja za buduca ulaganja i gospodarski rast. Novi je hrvatski premijer, osim toga, odrastao i dugo živio izvan Hrvatske, što znaci da i osobno odlicno razumije ocekivanja i mogucnosti hrvatske dijaspore.

Prošle smo godine u listopadu održali prvi sastanak Hrvata iz domovine i dijaspore. Bila je to poslovna konferencija MEETING G2.1 koja je privukla 50 hrvatskih poslovnih ljudi iz 18 zemalja širom svijeta, s gotovo svih kontinenata. Ovaj nam je skup kao organizatorima u nasljede ostavio veliku razmjenu ideja i kontakata izmedu Hrvata iz razlicitih sredina.

Imajuci u vidu promjene koje se približavaju, sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na naš sljedeci susret. Konferencija MEETING G2.2 ove ce se godine održati od 10. do 12. listopada, opet u Zagrebu, u Kongresnom centru FORUM Zagreb.

Prozor u Hrvatsku otvara se i širi. U fokusu je prije svega turizam, a preko njega se razvijaju i poljoprivreda, trgovina, prehrambena industrija, fondovi za inovacije i još mnogo, mnogo toga. Smatramo da je upravo ovo prijelomna godina, i pravi trenutak za mudro razmišljanje o tome kako i gdje ulagati u državu koja ima golemu stabilnost i koja odnedavno pripada najvecem tržištu na svijetu – Europskoj uniji.

Pozivamo Vas stoga da posjetite našu web-stranicu gdje možete potražiti više informacija o Konferenciji! Program ovogodišnjeg skupa „krojili smo po mjeri“, jer ga temeljimo na Zakljuccima Meetinga G2.1 koji obuhvaca prijedloge i napomene svih sudionika. S obzirom da su se najzanimljivijom formom pokazale dinamicne panel-diskusije, upravo ce njih ove godine biti još i više. U dva jesenska dana MEETINGA G2.2 svi ce sudionici dobiti najnovije informacije o inovacijama, obrazovanju, izvozu hrvatskih proizvoda, privatizaciji, pravosudu, fondovima za ulaganja iz dijaspore i brendiranju Hrvatske u inozemstvu.

Kao organizatori stojimo Vam na raspolaganju za sva dodatna pitanja.

Topli pozdravi iz Zagreba!


Dear friends,

We expect big changes this year, which will affect Croatian economic future and cooperation with Croatian diaspora all over the world. The reason for that optimism is the appointment of Tihomir Oreškovic as Premier of the government of the Republic of Croatia for period 2016-2020.

Premier Oreškovic has long experience in the private sector, and because of that we expect the creation of a more positive climate for future investments and economic growth. Besides, the new Premier of Croatia was brought up and has lived abroad for years, which means that he personally understands the expectations and possibilities of Croatian diaspora.

In October last year we held our first meeting of Croats from homeland and diaspora. That was the MEETING G2.1 business conference, which received 50 Croatian businesspersons from 16 countries from all over the world, from almost all continents. We, the organizers, consider that the legacy of that congress is a big exchange of ideas and contacts between Croats from different contexts.

In view of the forthcoming changes, we have the pleasure to invite you to our next meeting. This year the MEETING G2.2 will take place on October 10 – 12, again in Zagreb, in Congress Center FORUM Zagreb.

The window to Croatia is opening and it is becoming wider. The focus is on tourism, and through tourism many things are developing in agriculture, trade, food industry, funds for innovations and many, many other fields. We consider that this is the crucial year and the right moment for wisely considering how and where to invest in a country which has high stability and which since recently belongs to the biggest market in the world – the European Union.

Therefore, we invite you to visit our web-page, where you will find more information about the Conference! The program for this year's meeting was “custom-made“ because it is based on the Conclusions of Meeting G2.1, which contains the proposals and observations of all the participants.
In view of the fact that the panel-discussions resulted to be the most interesting form of debate, they will be more numerous this year. During the two autumn days, all the participants will receive the latest information about innovations, education, exports of Croatian products, privatization, laws, funds for diaspora investments, and branding Croatia worldwide.

The organizers are at your disposal for any additional questions.

Best regards from Zagreb

The organizer:

Estimados amigos,

Este año se vislumbran cambios muy importantes que afectarán el futuro económico de Croacia, así como la interrelación con la diáspora.

Como es del conocimiento de todos, en enero de 2016 el señor Tihomir Oreskovic fue nombrado Jefe de Gobierno para el período 2016-2020.

El Premier Oreskovic tiene un amplia trayectoria profesional en el sector privado, por ello se ha creado un ambiente muy positivo para las inversiones y el crecimiento económico para los años venideros en Croacia. Además, el Premier creció y trabajó durante muchos años en el extranjero, así que conoce las expectativas de la diáspora y su deseo de desarrollar lazos económicos con la Patria.

En octubre de 2015 se organizó en Zagreb el primer encuentro de empresarios croatas residenciados en el exterior, el MEETING G2.1, al cual asistieron delegados de 18 países. Este evento nos dejó un gran intercambio de ideas y contactos entre empresarios de diferentes latitudes.

Tomando en cuenta el cambio que tendrá Croacia en sus políticas económicas, queremos invitarlos al próximo encuentro de empresarios croatas - el MEETING G2.2.

La ventana de oportunidades en Croacia se sigue abriendo y los sectores de la economía se siguen ampliando: turismo, agricultura, comercio, industria alimenticia, fondos para innovadores y otros. Este pudiera ser el momento para pensar en invertir en un país con una gran estabilidad, miembro además del mercado común más grande del mundo, la Unión Europea.

Los invitamos a que visiten nuestra página, donde encontrarán una primera versión del programa, el cual está „hecho a la medida“ según las Conclusiones del MEETING G2.1, documento que comprende las observaciones y recomendaciones de todos los asistentes a dicha reunión. En vista de que las discusiones de panel fueron las más populares, esta año habrán más! Durante dos días de otoño, los asistentes recibirán la información más actual en innovaciones, educación, exportación de productos croatas, privatizaciones, leyes, fondos para la inversión de la diáspora, así como la „marca país“ (brand) Croacia.

Estamos a su disposición para cualquier consulta y/o recomendación.

Saludos cordiales desde Zagreb!

El Organizador:

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