Wednesday 27 January 2010

Condecoracion a Marija Galian Nikolic


Red Danice hrvatske za Mariju Galian Nikolić

Voditeljica splitskoga ureda HMI Branka Bezić Filipović poslala je vijest o nedavnom odlikovanju argentinske Hrvatice Marije Galian Nikolić i crtice o njenu životnom putu od Italije do Zavalle.
Na prijedlog Državnog povjereništva za odlikovanja i priznanja predsjednik Mesić je Mariju Galian Nikolić 21. prosinca 2009. za osobite zasluge u prosvjeti i očuvanju hrvatskog jezika u Argentini odlikovao Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Antuna Radića.
Roditelji Marije Galian Nikolić bili su Hrvati, majčina obitelj potječe iz Krvavca – Metkovića, a očeva iz Graberija – Petrinje. Ona se rodila u logoru Campo Fermo u Italiji u listopadu 1945. godine, potom su je s roditeljima odveli u Hamburg. U Argentinu su otuda pošli 1948. godine. Većinu djetinjstva provela je u u San Miguelu, provincija Buenos Aires. U kući se govorilo samo hrvatski; a španjolski je naučila u školi.
Godine 1996., budući je dobro govorila, čitala i pisala naš jezik, u Hrvatskom domu u Rosariju ponudili su joj vođenje tečaja hrvatskoga jezika. Usavršila je svoje znanje daljnjim školovanjem i 1999. postala prevoditeljica i tumač hrvatskoga jezika. Iste godine počela je predavati i održavati nastavu u knjižnicama po selima provincije Santa Fe, Los Molinos, Casilda, Chabas, Venado Tuerto, Chovet , Perez i Zavalla u kojima je bilo mnogo potomaka Hrvata. Postigla je kasnije da se na Sveučilištu u Rosariju ustanovi Katedra hrvatskoga jezika. U travnju 2005. godine po prvi put hrvatski jezik izučavao na nivou sveučilišta Južne Amerike. Postaje titularnom profesoricom, a imala je u prosjeku od 35 do 80 studenata godišnje, u petogodišnjem razdoblju, dok se bavila poučavanjem studenata. Na katedru nisu dolazili samo potomci Hrvata, nego i svi oni studenti koji su željeli studirati jedan slavenski jezik. Za vrijeme posjeta Hrvatskoj 2005. godine primio ju je hrvatski predsjednik Stjepan Mesić. Po povratku, 2007. godine, uspostavlja i online tečaj hrvatskoga jezika s Rominom Casal Plenković koji uspješno djeluje i danas i kojim se koriste studenti iz Centralne Amerike, Španjolske, i cijele Južne Amerike. Koncem 2008. godine Ministarstvo obrazovanja znanosti i sporta RH poslao je profesoricu za katedru na Humanističkom Fakultetu u Rosariju, te stoga Marija Galian Nikolić svoju misiju smatra zaključenom. Posvetila se prevoditeljskom radu i prevodi djela hrvatskoga pjesnika Dragutina Tadijanovića.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Thursday 21 January 2010

Este sábado en el Dom de Lugones - Invitación

C E N T R O    C R O A T A  --   H R V A T S K I    D O M

L. Lugones 4936 Ciudad de Buenos Aires

U subotu 23 sijecnja 2010 u 19 sati


Pozivaju Vas na  izložbu  poznatog hrvatskog karikaturiste

DAVORA  ŠTAMBUKA, na temu „Vino i kulinarstvo“

a  isto tako i izložbu akvarela hrvatskog slikara

ANTE  MANDARIĆ, na temu „More“

Za vrijeme izložbe će govoriti  „ Zlatni  kuhar 2005“


Nakon predavanja slijedi   dalmatinska večera:

„DALMATINSKA GREGADA“ (riba na bijelo)

Cijena večere $ 40.-pesosa (uključeno piće)


Invitan a Uds. a la exposición de  las obras del conocido caricaturista croata

DAVOR  STAMBUK sobre el tema “Vino y culinaria”

y las obras en acuarela del pintor croata ANTE  MANDARIC “El mar”

Durante la exposición dará una charla el  “Cocinero de Oro 2005” Zlatko  Marinovic sobre tema:“COCINA  DALMATA”

Despues se servirá la cena “GREGADA DE DALMACIA” (pescado en blanco)

Valor de  la cena $ 40.-.-(incluida bebida)

Reservas  en los telefonos 4542 5927 ó  4760 3539 hasta 22 de enero  de 2010.-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Saturday 9 January 2010

Mañana domingo es el dia

[Studia Croatica] Mañana domingo es el dia

A los ciudadanos croatas mayores de 18 años: 
Les recordamos que mañana 10 de enero se realiza la votación –en segunda vuelta / ballotage- para la elección del próximo Presidente croata. 
Se trata de elegir entre 
Milan Bandic – candidato independiente y actual Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Zagreb-, 
e Ivo Josipovic, candidato del SDP, ex partido comunista yugoslavo.

El horario de votación es desde las 7 hs (y no 8 hs como se informara) hasta las 19 hs.

del próximo domingo 10 de enero 
en la Embajada de la República de Croacia

Gorostiaga y República de Malasia
Barrio de Belgrano - Capital Federal.

Deben traer consigo:

1) su documento personal argentino (DNI., LC. o LE.) 

2) Si no corroboraron en el Consulado si están en la lista de electores, lleven Domovnica o rješenje o pasaporte croata (uno de ellos).

Recuerden los jóvenes que deben estar entre los más interesados en la elección del mejor Presidente para la República de Croacia, sus habitantes y sus ciudadanos y descendientes en el exterior. 
Para mayor información invitamos a leer los textos en

·                             A los miles de ciudadanos croatas
·                             Domagoj Ante Petrić: Ascenso de Milan Bandic en la...
·                             Šime Letina: Izbori su naše pravo i naša dužnost
·                             Ante Beljo - No salir a votar es suicidio politico...
·                             prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman - Drugi krug predsjednič...
·                             Presidential Program - Milan Bandic
·                             Predsjednički program - Milan Bandić
·                             Princ "svjetla" i princ "tame"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Tuesday 5 January 2010

A los miles de ciudadanos croatas

A los miles de ciudadanos croatas
A los jóvenes con ciudadanía croata -también.

Estimados ciudadanos croatas y argentino-croatas:

El próximo 10 de enero se realiza la votación –en segunda vuelta / ballotage- para la elección del próximo presidente croata. Ahora se trata de elegir entre Milan Bandic –actual Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Zagreb y candidato independiente-, e Ivo Josipovic, candidato del SDP, ex partido comunista yugoslavo.

Si bien Bandic también perteneció al SDP, su trayectoria, personalidad y proyecciones se apartan notablemente de la política del SDP.

También podemos apreciarlo en las diferentes plataformas programáticas. Aún sabiendo que éstas siempre se presentan positivamente, es necesario notar en ellas que en la de Josipovic, la diáspora es inexistente (en concordancia con el pensamiento del SDP que desea quitarle el voto y acotar los términos de su ciudadanía). En cambio, en el programa de Milan Bandic, ocupa su propio parágrafo (ver: y ambos en idioma croata).

Esto nos lleva a contestar algunas preguntas u opiniones que hemos oído:

- Tienen razón los que se oponen en Croacia a que vote la diáspora, pues ¿cómo vamos a opinar sobre su destino si no pagamos impuestos allí?

Por lo comentado arriba podrán suponer fácilmente que quienes propagan esa idea desde Croacia son los que forman el partido SDP, ex comunista y que influye en mucha gente bien intencionada dejándole el “campo orégano” a un partido y afiliados disciplinados por décadas. De hecho, en estas elecciones, como en las anteriores en el siglo XXI, ha votado solo el 44% del electorado en Croacia y el 16% fuera de Croacia. En Argentina no llegamos a los 180 votantes….

Pero la pregunta importante es -¿por qué debemos votar?

- Por nuestros propios intereses como ciudadanos croatas fuera de Croacia.
No es una actitud egoísta a la que nos referimos: se trata de parte de nuestro destino como sus ciudadanos en el exterior y la relación con Croacia de todos aquellos con ese origen, aunque no sean ciudadanos.

Es un derecho el votar pero también es un deber cívico hacerlo.
Las quejas o aplausos posteriores serán fundadas si hicimos nuestra parte de “elegir”.
Caso contrario, no digamos: nunca viene nadie, nunca nos responden, no nos escuchan, no les importamos (al gobierno), no hay becas (o cada vez hay menos).

Así como cada votante puede pensar en que le resulta positivo cada candidato, así nosotros debemos pensar en que situación estamos respecto de cada candidato: uno – Josipovic- nos ofrece la indiferencia (en el mejor de los casos) y la quita de derechos (en el peor caso); el otro – Bandic- nos ofrece por lo menos reconocer nuestra existencia y deseos de fortalecer los vínculos con Croacia y favorecer los mismos. Por lo menos, podremos reclamarle la implementación de esos objetivos.

Sabemos que, lamentablemente, solo habrá una mesa de elecciones y estará en la Embajada de Croacia en Buenos Aires (cuando debería haber mesas en todas las ciudades importantes del país con mayor concentración de ciudadanos croatas). Esto, en parte, es producto de los pocos electores que ha habido en las últimas elecciones. Si bien no lo consideramos el mejor argumento republicano debemos aceptarlo.

 (Nota: el voto postal es una deuda pendiente del Parlamento croata pero para ello debemos contar con un gobierno que nos considere y considere las grandes distancias que nos separan de un centro electoral).

En Argentina hay miles de ciudadanos croatas: es importante que hagan su mejor esfuerzo para votar el próximo domingo 10 de Enero: está en juego parte de nuestro destino y la relación con Croacia.

Están en juego mayor cantidad de profesores. Mayor cantidad de becas para estudiar en Croacia. La posibilidad de migración a Croacia con serias posibilidades de inserción, el voto postal, entre otras cosas.

Son muchos más los motivos para elegir entre ambos a un buen futuro Presidente de Croacia. Sólo se mencionan algunos de los que directa y rápidamente nos podrán afectar.

del próximo domingo 10 de enero
en la Embajada de la República de Croacia

Gorostiaga y República de Malasia
Barrio de Belgrano - Capital Federal.

Deben traer consigo
su documento personal argentino (DNI. LC. o LE.)
y Domovnica o rješenje o pasaporte croata.

Los jóvenes que ya han disfrutado de becas en Croacia, los que pretenden hacerlo o los que simplemente son ciudadanos y sienten afecto por Croacia y reconocen su lugar en la historia y futuro del pais, también tienen la responsabilidad de votar si son mayores de 18 años. 

- Quizás seria mucho pedirles, que aquellos que tengan familia y amigos en Croacia y Argentina con ciudadanía, se comuniquen con ellos y los inviten a que vayan a votar: pueden hacer una gran diferencia….

Nota: Para quienes tengan interés en ampliar respecto al valor y significado del Presidente en Croacia y las actuales elecciones, les enviamos en adjunto un artículo.-en castellano- del Prof. Domagoj Ante Petric, publicado en HIC. (Atención: las letras son tamaño “10” por razones de espacio).

- Asimismo, se transcribe a continuación en idioma castellano el parágrafo que trata de la emigración croata en el programa de Milan Bandic:

Vuelta a las raíces de los emigrantes croatas

Croacia es pronunciadamente una tierra de emigración. Los croatas y sus descendientes viven por todos los meridianos y paralelos terrestres y están persistentemente unidos con su madre patria. Participaron activamente en su creación, defensa y construcción y hoy están activamente incluídos en su desarrollo económico, gestiones, promoción y tantos otros apoyos a la República de Croacia. Junto al fortalecimiento de la unidad croata, movilizaré nuevamente uniones más fuertes entre la Croacia patria y la emigrada, estimularé y facilitaré sus inversiones, un mayor número de viajes y su retorno e inmigración. Una atención especial se referirá al mantenimiento del idioma y la cultura en las comunidades croatas en el extranjero y una constante conexión con los jóvenes de segunda y tercera generación con la tierra de sus raíces.

Unión  de  Asociaciones Croatas de la República Argentina
Av. R. Balbín 4925 (1430)  Buenos Aires – Argentina
Te: (54 11) 15.5821.2263 / Fax: (54 11) 4251-5341
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Domagoj Ante Petrić: Ascenso de Milan Bandic en la segunda vuelta electoral

30 de diciembre de 2009

Algo bueno luego de la primera vuelta electoral.
Domagoj Ante Petrić

En todos los países democráticos, las elecciones presidenciales o parlamentarias se consideran UNA FIESTA de la democracia. No fue ese el caso de la primera vuelta en las elecciones presidenciales en la República de Croacia, el 27 de Diciembre del 2009, pues el porcentaje de votantes fue bajo tanto en Croacia como entre los croatas de Bosnia-Hercegovina y en otros países.

El falso cuento que esparció  Stjepan Mesic durante diez años sobre que él no tenía “verdaderas potestades”, hizo lo suyo. Mucha gente pensó y piensa que el Presidente de la República sólo puede representar a un ingenuo humorista y viajar por todo el mundo entre lujo y fiestas con el argumento de que supuestamente “crea importantes contactos económicos e invita a los turistas a Croacia”.

La verdad es totalmente distinta porque el Presidente tiene, entre otras muchas potestades, cuatro que son esenciales para la vida de nuestro país.
En primer lugar, él nombra a todos los jefes de los servicios secretos. Según la ideología de esos jefes, los servicios pueden realizar su trabajo en armonía con los inereses de Croacia, o de acuerdo a los intereses de otros Estados en contra de su propio país.
Esos directores son los que tienen la posibilidad de crear toda una red informativa de acuerdo a sus intereses políticos. Eso lo saben los habitantes de Brasil, como los de Alemania, Serbia, Japón o Rusia. Sólo no lo saben en Croacia: los ciudadanos ni siquiera piensen pues los medios en las manos de la izquierda militante no permiten a los croatas pensar en nada, excepto si piensan en el estilo neo-comunista y pro-balcánico, que se convirtió en una dictadura en la prensa y la TV.

Luego, el Presidente de la República, nombra a los Comandantes de las Fuerzas Armadas. Estos pueden trabajar para la modernización de la capacidad defensiva de su país o “descuidar” su responsabilidad. De acuerdo a sus posiciones, principalmente razones ideológicas, jubilan o ascienden a oficiales y suboficiales, etc,

En tercer lugar, el Presidente de la República es “co-creador” de la política internacional. En lenguaje práctico significa que a su requerimiento nombra la mitad de los Embajadores y Cónsules (y para los restantes miembros del ámbito diplomático da o no da su consentimiento), por lo que personalmente o a través de sus consejeros puede crear conflictos diplomáticos o incumplir compromisos, bloquear notas diplomáticas u otras medidas del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores cuando se trate de la defensa de los intereses croatas, apadrinar la entrega del Adriático a Eslovenia, inclinarse ante los fiscales de La Haya contra los Defensores croatas –en lugar de sostener relaciones serias con el tribunal de La Haya como tal, etc.

La cuarta y esencial potestad y deber del Presidente, es la representación de la República de Croacia en el mundo. Puede representarla dignamente o injuriar a Croacia y a los croatas, y abogar por la creaciónde la Tercera Yugoslavia o Balcanes Occidentales.
¿Quién puede decir que en Croacia el Presidente no tienen ninguna importancia?

Respuesta de los electores

Los diez años del poder real que tuvieron en Croacia, cronológicamente: Josip Manolić-Mesić-Račan; Manolić-Mesić-Sanader y finalmente Manolić-Mesić-Kosor, hicieron lo suyo. La desinformación sistemática y la propagación de un sentimiento de destrucción de la autoestima y de desprecio hacia todo aquello que es croata, consiguieron su resultado: en estas elecciones en Croacia votó el 44% de los ciudadanos y fuera de sus fronteras, el 16,5%.

De aquellos que se quedaron bostezando en sus casas, algunos consideraron que no es importante el rol del Presidente, otros, que a ellos no les corresponde defender los intereses de Croacia, y muchos creyeron que ellos igualmente no pueden modificar nada con su voto pues se vio desde la agitación mediática oficial que los favoritos del club Manolić-Mesić-Kosor, eran el señor Nadan Vidošević y el señor Ivo Josipović. La autoridad ya tenía determinado su ganador pues ambas personas eran políticamente similares: proserbias y nostálgicas del sistema totalitario.

Andrija Hebrang (candidato formal del HDZ-a) al que boicoteó su propio partido, el ex Ministro Primorac, quien confió en sus relaciones en Israel y Estados Unidos, y Vesna Pusić que era portadora de los más delirantes intereses de Belgrado,  no pudieron pasar.

En lo que se refiere a verdaderos demócratas, con un claro programa anti-corrupción los  candidatos croatas, Miroslav Tuđman, Josip Jurčević, Boris Mikšić y Vesna Škare Ožbolt, contra ellos se organizó un bloqueo mediático, agresivo y absoluto.
BANDIĆ  y VIDOŠEVIĆ – Gran sorpresa
La primer gran sorpresa fue la eliminación de Vidošević de la segunda vuelta. La mayor razón de su derrota fue su descarada ostentación de extrema riqueza sin que nadie comprendiera como llegó a ella. Esto, para el principal yugo-candidato, fue un handicap muy grande, y tropezó sin poder recuperarse.

La segunda gran sorpresa, fue el éxito del Jefe del gobierno de Zagreb, Milan Bandić, quien como segundo entró en el ballotage, o sea, en la segunda vuelta electoral que se realizará el 10 de enero del 2010. Ascendió por sus propios méritos, en contra de Joža Manolić y su sistema de inteligencia; contra Mesić que habla de Bandić lleno de odio, contra la Sra Kosor, que hace lo mismo que los recién nombrados; contra su propio partido SDP, que por ley y estatutos es el heredero de todos los bienes del Partido Comunista en Croacia.

Ya hace tiempo que en el SDP tratan de derribar a Bandić de su posición de Intendente de Zagreb porque lo consideran un traidor: llegó al poder en Zagreb como un oscuro candidato de su partido y se convirtió en el hombre que hizo de la capital croata una metrópoli europea. Lo que es peor, defiende las posturas cristianas y croatas y eso no se lo pueden perdonar en el SDP.

Debe tomarse en consideración que la victoria de Ivo Josipović en la primera ronda está basada en el hecho de que en Croacia no votó el 56% de sus ciudadanos y que la izquierda es la que salió masivamente a las urnas. O sea, que si en esta segunda vuelta sale a votar un número significativo de personas hasta ahora dormidas o escépticas, el cuadro cambiará. Lo mismo vale para los croatas en otros países, donde hasta el 83,5% de potenciales votantes descuidaron la primer vuelta.
Es de recordar que la República de Croacia es miembro de la NATO y que la victoria de Ivo Josipovic originaría en esa comunidad militar occidental una mayor desconfianza hacia Croacia que la actual con Mesic y Kosor al mando del Estado. Es bueno el hecho de que ya se está esparciendo ente los ciudadanos la conciencia de que si Josipovic llega a la presidencia quedaríamos aislados inclusive en esta comunidad internacional, única en la cual tenemos un status igualitario, y ello gracias a nuestro ejército por su actuación en la Guerra Patria.

Finalmente, es importante, que el otro candidato que compite con Josipovic no es su gemelo Vidosevic, ni es un favorito de la red de corrupción que está arruinando a Croacia. Su competidor es el autónomo Bandic. A él se lo acusa de corrupción en la ciudad de Zagreb pero hasta ahora nadie demostró nada a pesar de los intensos esfuerzos de sus contrarios en ese sentido. Asimismo, queda claro que Bandic no es la persona que echará a Cristo de las escuelas e instituciones públicas, ni va a firmar la entrada de Croacia en una “Confederación de los Balcanes Occidentales”, cosa que el SDP (Josipović) desesa hacer..

Si Bandic logra el triunfo, la política croata tendría un determinado respiro. HDZ, la Unión Democrática Croata (N.Trad.: el partido creado por Tudjman), podría quizás, desprenderse del lastre de los amigos de Manolic y reorganizarse. En ello trabajan muchos afiliados. En ese respiro podrían renovarse el Partido Croata del Derecho

(HSP) o el Partido Croata Social Liberal –HSLS-. En el mismo SDP se esperan novedades a mediano plazo: el “partido” no puede ser eternamente “el Partido de los nostálgicos revanchistas rojos.”. En él hay gente que desea tomar el tren de las socialdemocracias europeas. Ese proceso avanza rápido; únicamente lo podría detener la elección de Josipovic como presidente.

O sea, que tenemos buenas señales en Croacia. El año 2010 no debe convertirse en el funeral de la democracia y de la independencia de Croacia. Un voto a favor de Bandić, es un voto positivo más por el futuro de Croacia.
- Publicado en HIC:

Nota del Trad.: en castellano existe solo la voz “partido” para denominar a un partido político. En cambio, en la ex Yugoslavia se utilizaba la voz “partija” para el único partido comunista, voz que mantuvo el mismo al convertirse en “partido” socialdemócrata... SDP: Socijaldemokratska partija.
La voz croata para el mismo término fue y es “stranka” que es como se denominan todos los demás partidos creados a partir de 1989.
Ejemplo: HSLS: Hrvatska socijalno liberalna stranka - Partido Croata Liberal Social.
Ejemplo de principio de siglo XX: HSS – Hrvatska seljačka stranka – Partido Campesino Croata (Stjepan Radić)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Šime Letina: Izbori su naše pravo i naša dužnost


Izbori su naše pravo i naša dužnost
Kriza u Hrvatskoj, a posebno moralna, koja se očituje u pomanjkanju socijalne pravde, pravog domoljublja, nacionalnog ponosa i hrvatskog jedinstva, nije toliko posljedica trenutačne svjetske krize, koliko loše višegodišnje politike hrvatskih državnih i političkih lidera, te krivog političkog  i moralnog prosuđivanja velikog broja Hrvata i hrvatskih građana, odnosno posljedica nedostatka osobne svijesti i odgovornosti prema narodu i državi. Nema sumnje da zastupnici Sabora, bivši predsjednik i sadašnja predsjednica Vlade, te predsjednik države, snose veliku odgovornost za trenutačno loše stanje i krizu u državi, jer je očito da oni, bilo zbog osobnih interesa ili zbog  međunarodnih pritisaka, nisu ispunili svoje dužnosti i izborna obećanja, međutim odgovornost za posljedice njihovih pogreška i propusta leži na svima, posebno na biračima, koji nisu iskoristili svoje demokratsko pravo i biračku moć na dosadašnjim izborima i odbacili one koji ih godinama izigravaju. Hrvati su, nažalost, skloni ponavljanju pogrešaka. Iako u Hrvatskoj još ne postoji potpuna demokracija, činjenica je da u njoj ne postoji ni (nekadašnja) komunistička diktatura s kojom bi se moglo lagano opravdati krizu i odbaciti vlastitu odgovornost za tu krizu, ali postoji komunistički mentalitet i ponašanje koji utječu na moralno rasuđivanje ljudi i sputavaju svaki pozitivni napredak u Hrvatskoj. Po tom ponašanju sve je dopušteno, ako to osobno godi i koristi.  U Hrvatskoj nitko ne voli bivše komuniste i jugoslavene, ali će Hrvati na izborima radije glasati za njih zbog njihovoga iskustva, stečenog u bivšem komunističkom sistemu,  nego za hrvatske domoljube bez političkog iskustva. Svi priželjkuju demokraciju, ali su rijetki oni koji je prihvaćaju i prakticiraju. U podsvijesti velikog broja Hrvata još uvijek dominira nakaradna ideja da politika nije za poštene. Hrvati ne vole gospodina Mesića, a dva puta su ga izabrali za predsjednika. Mnogi jednostavno ne mogu shvatiti da ponašanje u kojem je uvijek netko drugi kriv pripada prošlosti i da samo u diktaturi sve zasluge i odgovornost pripadaju jednoj osobi, diktatoru, kao što je bio slučaj Tita, dok u demokratskom društvu zasluge i odgovornost pripadaju svima. Nije lako prekinuti s lošim i dugogodišnjim navikama i mentalitetom, posebno ako smo s njima odrasli. Od 1945. pa do 1990. godine, u Titovoj jugoslavensko-komunističkoj diktaturi Hrvati su bili izloženi lažnoj propagandi. Hrvatski narod je bio tučen i uništavan u svim njegovim bitnim životnim kategorijama. Njegove životne varijante, nacionalna, vjerska i kulturna, trebale su ustupiti mjesto jugoslavenskoj (velikosrpskoj i svetosavskoj) ideji, u kojoj bi hrvatska nacionalna, vjerska i kulturna obilježja potpuno nestala. To je bila ideja vodilja jugoslavensko-partizanskog rata od 1941. do1945. s kojim se danas ponose naši samozvani antifašisti. Početkom devedesetih godina, u doba Domovinskog rata i neposredno nakon hrvatske pobjede, izgledalo je da su Hrvati potpuno odbacili komunistički totalitarizam i s njime antihrvatsku i antivjersku politiku bivše Jugoslavije, no ubrzo, poslije odlaska s političke scene predsjednika dr. Franje Tuđmana, mnogi Hrvati pod pritiskom pojedinaca, odanih bivšoj Jugoslaviji i njezinom sistemu, podlegli su starim navikama i uvjerenjima. Ta napast je danas  vidljiva u ponašanju i političkim razmišljanima nekih hrvatskih političara i predsjedničkih kandidata, pa i onih koji nikada nisu bili članovi Partije. Na jednom od nedavnih sučeljavanja u kojem su sudjelovali predsjednički kandidati Vesna Škare-Ožbolt, Vesna Pusić, Andrija Hebrang i Ivo Josipović, kao po dogovoru, svi četvero su izjavili da bi, ako budu izabrani, pružili ruku Fidel Castru i da se ne bi odrekli Josipa Broza Tita, a Andrija Hebrang tu privrženost bivšem diktatoru i zločincu opravdava da “ništa što je u interesu Hrvatske nije mu strano, pa ni Tito”.  Nitko se od njih ne bi odrekao Tita, ali se svi četvero spremno odriču hrvatskog pjevača Marka Perkovića Thompsona. Iako to Marku Perkoviću Thompsonu može biti na ponos, jer oni koji su za Tita ne mogu biti na strani hrvatskih domoljuba, čudno je da baš svi prihvaćaju Tita, “najvećeg ubojicu Hrvata”, kako ga je nazvao dr. Andrija Hebrang, a ograđuju se od Hrvata koji u svojim pjesmama potiče mlade na ljubav prema Bogu i domovini. Hrvatski narod nije se borio za državu u kojoj bi predsjednik države odlučivao što Hrvat kao pojedinac i vjernik može i smije reći ili pjevati. Bila bi to negacija njegove narodne i osobne slobode. On želi državu u kojoj će,  preko svojih, slobodnom voljom,  izabranih saborskih zastupnika, odlučivati o vlastitoj sudbini, državu u kojoj će svaki Hrvat i svaki hrvatski građanin imati punu slobodu i jednaka prava, bez obzira na njegovu političku, vjersku i nacionalnu pripadnost. Zašto je to strano i neprihvatljivo hrvatskim predsjedničkim kandidatima i zašto tisak i ostala sredstva javnog priopćavanja u Hrvatskoj šute o apsurdnim izjavama i ponašanju većine hrvatskih političara? Pogledajmo ovaj primjer. Skoro u isto vrijeme, dok su predsjednički kandidati isticali svoju privrženost Josipu Brozu Titi, bivši vođa poljskog sindikata “Solidarnost” i prvi postkomunistički predsjednik Poljske od 1990. do 1995., Lech Walesa na konferenciji, koja je održana u Zagrebu pod naslovom “Raspad komunizma u Europi: 1989-2009., 20 godina poslije”, javno je upozorio da “zbog budućnosti treba raskrstiti s komunističkim zločincima kako nikome više ne bi palo na pamet počiniti nešto tako. Nad zločincima treba izvršiti lustraciju. Oni ne smiju sudjelovati u vlasti, kao niti u obrazovanom procesu. Ljude treba uvjeriti da je sloboda bolja od sužanjstva”. Hrvati su mu se divili, a u pozdravnom govoru u ime hrvatske vlade ministar kulture Božo Biskupić, koji pripada HDZ-u kao i Andrija Hebrang, javno je rekao da je Walesa  “poljski tsunami koji mete komunizam sa svjetske pozornice”. Hebrang i Biskupić, dva politička istomišljenika, koji nastupaju i govore u ime iste organizacije i u ime iste Vlade daju dvije potpuno suprotne i različite izjave. Jedan je za čuvanje Titova mita, a drugi javno hvali stranca koji u glavnom gradu Hrvatske poziva Hrvate da zauvijek raskrste s Titom i ostalim komunističkim zločincima. Čiji stav od njih dvojice prihvaća predsjednica Vlade i članovi HDZ-a? Bilo bi dobro znati tko još uz Hebranga u HDZ-u misli da je Tito u interesu Hrvatske? Uz nacionalno svijesne i časne pojedince, Crkva je, izgleda, jedina ustanova u Hrvatskoj koja vidi i shvaća političku zbrku u koju nas svojim nedorečenim i zamagljenim, a najčće proturiječnim izjavama,  guraju predsjednički kandidati. Mnogi od njih su bez vizije i bez političkih, gospodarskih i moralnih kvalifikacija da budu na čelu države. Članovi Hrvatske biskupske konferencije, u želji da hrvatskim građanima, posebno vjernicima, pomognu u donošenju važne izborne odluke i da ih potaknu na razmišljanje kakvog predsjednika Hrvatska treba, objavili su u ponedjeljak 23. studenoga svoju poruku koju su vjernici mogli dobiti u obliku letka.  U toj poruci hrvatski biskupi su iznijeli “kriterije po kojima mogu vjernici i drugi ljudi dobre volje doći do veće jasnoće tko bi trebao biti kandidat”. Po tim kriterijima očekuje se od predsjedničkog kandidata “da odražava državničku mudrost i sposobnost; da svojim pristupom i stavovima očituje ljubav prema domovini, da nije predstavnik samo nekih građana i njihovih nazora, dakle samo onih koji se s njime ideološki slažu; da je zauzet da subjekti vlasti na primjeren način vrše njima povjerenu zadaću imajući na srcu služenje drugima, naročito najugroženijima; da prepoznaje na koji se način treba čuvati hrvatsku suverenost i prepoznatljivost njezinih vrijednosti....” (Glas Koncila, 5. 12. 2009).   
Hrvati i hrvatski građani dužni su pratiti izbornu predsjedničku utrku, upoznati program i stavove svih kandidata i na temelju stečenih informacija po svojoj vlastitoj savijesti dati svoj glas onomu za koga misle da će biti na korist i ponos Hrvatskoj i svima nama. Njihove izjave treba usporediti s njihovim životnim ponašanjem. Nemojmo zaboraviti “da se u predizbornoj kampanji predsjednički kandidati na različite načine dodvoravaju biračima, da ih svim sredstvima žele pridobiti za sebe, za ‘svoje programe’, ipak i u tom ‘osvajanju’ birača morala bi postojati granica da ne budu povrijeđeni istina i dobar ukus. Naime u hrvatskom društvu ima veoma mnogo licemjerja, pretvaranja, presvlačenja kaputa, lažnog predstavljanja i obmanjivanja svih izvan uskog interesnog kruga, pa bi katolički vjernici, kao i drugi ljudi dobre volje, najprije trebali procijeniti razinu vjerodostojnosti predsjedničkih kandidata koji ih zanimaju, odnosno između kojih će se odlučivati kome dati svoj glas”, upozorava nas Ivan Miklenić u istom Glasu Koncila. Svaki hrvatski birač prije izbora trebao bi znati život, političke stavove i moralne kvalitete svih predsjedničkih kandidata, a to su: Milan Bandić, Andrija Hebrang, Ivo Josipović, Josip Jurčević, Damir Kajin, Boris Mikšić, Dragan Primorac, Vesna Pusić, Vesna Škare Ožbolt, Miroslav Tuđman, Nadan Vidošević i Slavko Vukšić. Dadnemo li svoj glas na dan izbora kandidatu za kojeg mislimo da bi kao predsjednik vodio više računa o Hrvatskoj i hrvatskim interesima nego o svojim vlastitim i svoje stranke, kandidatu koji bi kao predsjednik odvažno i razborito na svim međunarodnim forumima i u svim prigodama branio interese svoje zemlje i svoga naroda, kandidatu koji bi svojim političkim stavovima i ponašanjem poticao sve hrvatske građane da budu vrijedni, pravedni, pošteni i ponosni, bez obzira da li će taj kandidat pobjediti ili ne, moći ćemo reći da smo ispunili svoju  hrvatsku i građansku dužnost.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Ante Beljo - No salir a votar es suicidio politico

Izađite na izbore - ne poklanjajte svoj glas vašim političkim protivnicima-
Predsjednički izbori u Hrvatskoj: 2. krug 10. siječnja 2010.
1- Prvi krug izbora
            Rezultati izbora u prvom krugu su 44% aktivnih (oni koji su izašli na izbore) i 56% neaktivnih glasača kojima je još uvijek dobro i koji još uvijek imaju dovoljno kruha i dovoljno igara, a za njihovo vlastito sutra i sudbinu njihove djece i unučadi nije ih ni briga. Po onoj narodnoj neka se svak' u svoje vrijeme snalazi kako zna i može, kako smo se i mi sami snalazili!
To ne bi bilo ni tako tragično kad oni danas ne bi svojom nemarnošću davali ovlasti drugima da u njihovo ime stave na kocku njihovu sudbinu i sudbinu njihove djece i unučadi za čitavo pokoljenje. Parlamentarni mandati traju četiri godine, predsjednički 5 godina; zaduživanja na 20-30 godina, a rasprodaja i dužničko ropstvo na nekoliko pokoljenja.
2 -Ne izlazak na izbore je političko samoubojstvo
            Ključna poruka većine medija u Hrvatskoj u ovo predizborno vrijeme je: "Ne izlazite na izbore jer svakako ne možete ništa promijeniti, a ako i pokušate dobivate isto što već imate, samo upakirano u drugačiji celofan". To su nedemokratske poruke upućene svim onima koji svojim neizlaskom trebaju potvrditi istinitost već unaprijed naručenih anketa.
Borba ljudskoga roda protiv raznih bolesti i borba svake jedinke da sama odlučuje o svojoj sudbini su podjednako stare - koliko i ljudska vrsta.
Bit svake demokracije sastoji se u tome da svaki pojedinac ima mogućnost odlučivati o vlastitoj sudbini u sklopu zajednice u kojoj živi. Ne korištenje te mogućnosti ravno je samoubojstvu, a poziv, direktan ili prikriven na neizlazak na izbore ne samo da je nedemokratski čin nego je poziv na kolektivno samouništenje.
Bez obzira koliko sužen izbor imali još uvijek je to daleko više nego ne imati mogućnosti bilo kakvog izbora. Izići na izbore u najmanju ruku znači proširivati mogućnosti izbora, a neizlazak na izbore ima za posljedicu automatsko poklanjanje svoga glasa svojim političkim protivnicima.
3- Stranka u tradicionalnim demokracijama i tranzicijskim demokracijama
            Još od vremena industrijske revolucije u zapadnoeuropskim zemljama, na oba američka kontinenta u Australiji pa i u nekim azijskim zemljama institucije stranaka su osnovica demokratskog načina života u društvu. Taj suživot ima i svoja čvrsto ugrađena pravila po kojima se utakmice igraju - bilo da se radi o unutar stranačkim ili međustranačkim odnosima. Poštivanje tih pravila kao vrhunske vrednote od strane svih sudionika u natjecanju je preduvjet za bilo kakav napredak. Svi pokušaji podvala, prevara ili bilo kakvih drugih manipulacija direktan su udar na osnove demokratskog sustava i slobodu svakog pojedinca u procesu da odlučuje o vlastitoj sudbini i podjednako su neprihvatljivo za sve.
            Karakteristika novonastalih tranzicijskih demokracija je to da su one postale višestranačke iz same činjenice što je umjesto jedne partije došlo do inflacije 'partija', ali je u svima njima zadržan način upravljanja isti onaj kakav je bio u jedinstvenoj partiji. Novi šefovi 'partija' su učinili sve da njihova moć ostane jednaka moći bivših šefova jedinstvene partije, te da se mogu u svim pokušajima unutarpartijske demokracije obračunati na način kao što se bivša partija obračunavala s frakcionašima u vlastitim redovima.
Tu nema razlike između Sanadera i Milanovića. Nedostatak te unutarstranačke demokracije koja je preduvjet za funkcioniranje bilo kojeg demokratskog višestranačkog sustava najočitije je došao do izražaja u ovoj predsjedničkoj kampanji koja se je zapravo pretvorila u unutarstranačku kampanju koja je završila poražavajuće za HDZ i sva tri njihova kandidata bez obzira što je jedan od njih imao legitimitet stranke, a druga dvojica su bili nezavisni. Slično se dogodilo i u SDP-u, drugoj po snazi stranci u Hrvatskoj s razlikom što su obojica kandidata iz njihovih redova ušli u drugi krug. Jedan od njih, Josipović je izdanak 'partije' staroga kova oboružan novokomponiranom retorikom, a drugi je Milan Bandić, populist i zagrebački gradonačelnik, koji je izbačen iz SDP-a i nastupa u kampanji kao neovisni kandidat. Bilo je više uspješnih načelnika glavnih gradova pojedinih zemalja koji su kasnije postali uspješni predsjednici država - Jacques Chirac bivši francuski predsjednik.
U direktnom i svakodnevnom kontaktu s ljudima gosp. Bandić je uočio razloge koji birače iritiraju i zbog kojih vjerojatno ne izlaze na izbore. Naime, oni sve više shvaćaju da nema velike razlike između bivšeg jednopartijskog sustava ili višestranačkog kohabitacijskog u kojemu ih u međuizbornom razdoblju svakako nitko ništa ne pita.
Milan Bandić je prema svemu do sada viđenom založio svoju političku karijeru s ciljem da se na tom planu nešto promijeni pa je i sama ta činjenica dovoljna za sve one neodlučne da iziđu na izbore i da mu daju svoj glas. Njegova pobjeda bi svakako doprinijela unaprjeđenju hrvatske demokracije i otvorenju novih demokratskih obzora i mogućnosti za tako potrebnu promjenu izbornih zakona.
4- Zatvaranje branitelja
            Sam čin zatvaranja hrvatskih branitelja u vrijeme božićnih blagdana je nehuman i necivilizacijski akt. Takvo što se događa samo u diktaturama gdje se tiranijom nastoji demonstrirati sila. Koja su to opasnost za društvo bili ljudi koji su svojim životima branili i stvarali ovu državu - da bi sada optuženi za nešto što se događalo prije 13 godina (što oni sami nisu počinili ali što su navodno morali znati) trebali biti zatvoreni, a da im se nije omogućilo niti da Božić i Novu Godinu provedu u krugu svoje obitelji?!
Drugi iz svijeta uz svesrdnu pomoć mnogih iz Hrvatske su otvorili europski Guantanamo (Haški pritvor i zatvor u Scheveningenu) za naše branitelje i generale, a sada evo takva ista mučilišta se otvaraju i diljem Hrvatske. Slično kao i 1948. g. u vrijeme rezolucije Informbiroa! U zadnjih nekoliko dana govori se mnogo o zahtjevu Srbije za članstvo u EU ali i o njihovoj tužbi protiv Hrvatske za genocid. Čujemo i to da je neosnovana i lako oboriva?!
Tko će ju oboriti, ako nam svi ključni svjedoci budu zatvoreni, a dokazi koje oni imaju budu uništeni?! Ne traže premetači i njihovi naredbodavci samo nepostojeće topničke dnevnike?!
5- O povratku Sanadera
            Najbolje što se za Hrvatsku moglo dogoditi u političkom smislu bio je odlazak Ive Sanadera, a najgore što nam se može dogoditi je njegov povratak.
Ante Beljo, upravitelj Hrvatskog informativnog centra
Zagreb, 04.01.2010.
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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Monday 4 January 2010

prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman - Drugi krug predsjedničkih izbora

4. siječnja 2010.
Drugi krug predsjedničkih izbora
Dr. Miroslav Tuđman: Politički program predsjedničkog kandidata Milana Bandića, što ga on u javnim nastupima i televizijskom sučeljavanju iznosi razlikuje se od stavova prof. dr. Ive Josipovića. U prvom redu, Milan Bandić ima pozitivan stav prema suverenoj Hrvatskoj proizašloj iz Domovinskog rata...
Glavna značajka političkoga programa Miroslava Tuđmana je jasna poruka da neće biti kontinuitet ni Mesićeve ni Sanaderove politike, te da se radi zaštite političke, gospodarske i teritorijalne suverenosti Republike Hrvatske odluke moraju donositi u Zagrebu, a ne u Bruxellesu, Londonu ili Haagu.. Podsjetimo ovdje na neke od ključnih stavova toga programa: Hrvatska treba biti zemlja u kojoj će se dobro i dostojanstveno živjeti; zato EU treba biti samo sredstvo za postizanje naših političkih i gospodarskih interesa. Hrvatima u BiH treba pomoći da ostvare jednakopravnost kroz treći entitet. Treba uspostaviti moderno tržišno-socijalno gospodarstvo, treba se zalagati za istinu i pravdu te za kršćanska načela u pristupu obitelji i pravu na život. Predsjednik RH treba biti predsjednik svih hrvatskih državljana.
Suprotno tome, predsjednički kandidat prof. dr. Ivo Josipović u svojim istupima daje ocjenu pet Mesiću i njegovom desetgodišnjem predsjednikovanju. Najvažnijim Mesićevim potezom smatra smjenu i progon hrvatskih generala, zagovara tezu da je Mesić "demokratizirao Hrvatsku" i da demokracija počinje 3. siječnja 2000. Kako Hrvatska nakon deset godina nema strateške partnere u svijetu a ni u Europi, kako se podanički odnosi prema tužiteljstvu u Haagu (što je i haški Sud osudio) to je jasno da su takvi stavovi nastavak služinskog odnosa prema Europskoj uniji, a napose odnosa prema tužiteljstvu Suda u Haagu. Karakteristična je njegova poruka da će Hrvatska postati sva "crvena" i da će on osigurati takvoj Hrvatskoj "novu" pravdu! Tvrdnja da je on svjetlo i da će se obračunati s tamom, uporabom državnog aparata protiv "paraobavještajnih struktura" preostalih iz vremena tuđmanizma kojima "će stati za vrat" poznata je SKH retorika, nespojiva s demokracijom. Mentalitet "crvene pravde" vraća Hrvatsku u daleku prošlost "Zapadnog Balkana" te zatvara svaku mogućnost istinskog političkog pluralizma. Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović takvim svojim izjavama implicite najavljuje obračun, ne s korupcijom, nego sa slobodnom misli u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Politički program predsjedničkog kandidata Milana Bandića, što ga on u javnim nastupima i televizijskom sučeljavanju iznosi razlikuje se od stavova prof. dr. Ive Josipovića. U prvom redu, Milan Bandić ima pozitivan stav prema suverenoj Hrvatskoj proizašloj iz Domovinskog rata, daje potporu hrvatskim braniteljima i generalima, ne poziva se na kontinuitet Mesićeve politike, a podržao je i osnivanje trećeg entiteta za Hrvate u Bosni i Hercegovini. Napose, uz socijalnu osjetljivost, Milan Bandić deklarira bliskost kršćanskim vrijednostima. Teško je međutim procijeniti kako će se njegove riječi pretvarati u djela.
Stoga u ovom prijelomnom trenutku, kada je u pitanju očuvanje državnog suvereniteta Republike Hrvatske, preporučujemo glasačima da suspregnu emocije i pokažu političku zrelost, te izvrše svoju građansku dužnost - izađu na izbore. Da Ivi Josipoviću uskrate svoj glas, a da glasaju za Milana Bandića. Milan Bandić javno zagovara dijelove političkog programa koji bar štiti elementarni interes hrvatske države i njezinih građana, i daje nadu "Da LIJEPA ostane NAŠA". Neizlazak na izbore čini nas suodgovornim za budućnost Hrvatske.
U Zagrebu, 4. siječnja 2010.
prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman

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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Presidential Program - Milan Bandic

Presidential Program

Duties of the President

The constitutional duties of the President of the Republic of Croatia are primarily related to cooperating in the formulation of foreign policy, commanding of the armed forced and directing the activities of secret service agencies. However, the President of the Republic of Croatia, according to the Constitution, represents the Republic of Croatia at home and abroad, and ensures the regular and coordinated efforts, that is, stability, of state authorities. 

In addition, the President may recommend to the Government to hold a meeting and to consider specific issues he considers important or that are suggested by citizens. Also, he may attend the regular meetings of the Government, make recommendations and participate in discussions. In order to perform his responsibilities at the highest possible level, the President may also form corresponding advisory teams that will deal with issues of importance to the stability and advancement of Croatia.

However, in additional to constitutional duties, the President of the Republic of Croatia, as the first among equals, thanks to his position and charisma, may have a significant impact on social and political changes, guiding its economic development and asserting new social values with his vision and energy. Nothing can hinder nor limit his vision, energy, knowledge, experience and love for his nation, society and country.

Starting Points and Key Issues

The key problem that I intend on dealing with during my term of office is the economic stability of Croatia, namely, to strengthen Croatia's economy, to reduce unemployment, as well as to increase exports and foreign investments.

The President of the Republic must, during this time of crisis, take on the role of a real partner in forming and implementing a strategy for the recovery and development of Croatia. In doing so, I will pay particular attention to social policy and to protecting those most vulnerable in Croatian society.

As for asserting Croatia on the international political scene, as a new member of the European Union and a true regional leader, I would like to turn a new page in creating Croatian unity, radically abandoning all ideological and other divisions.

Regarding the armed forces, I am guided by the fact that Croatia is a member of NATO, therefore, Croatia's armed forced are directed and defined by the alliance. This means continuing with modernization, high NATO standards and professionalization. In addition, it is crucial not to forget that the Croatian Army concluded the Patriotic Defense War as a winner and the ally of the USA and the EU. 

The secret services must function to the benefit of the internal and external safety of the country, under strict civil control and with professional ethics that will not allow the crossing of boundaries defined by the law and regulations.

The President of the country cooperates in the formulation of foreign policy. My position, in principle, is that there is no country small enough not to have its own foreign policy, regardless of the associations to which it belongs. This position implies the pro-West orientation of our country, which has been confirmed by our joining NATO, as well as impending EU membership, but also cooperation with other influential countries throughout the world, on the basis of mutual understanding and joint interests.

Equally as important is Croatian consensus on accession to the European Union. European values are indisputable, however, for historical and many other reasons, Croatia must know how to protect its vital interests on this road, which must not be marginalized within the European framework (our identity, culture, natural resources, priorities and interests in our region…).

Concerning cooperation with the Government, the President must encourage the Government to operate more efficiently, in the interest of the stability and economic prosperity of the country. In view of this, I see my role as a motivator, as an advocate of the culture of work and knowledge, as a man who believes that this country can achieve more and better and through my personal example I would like to prove that a better tomorrow for all of us lies in the culture of work, in working together and serving citizens.

Vision of a New Croatia

It is my desire, together with the citizens of Croatia, to create and to strengthen the democratic, lawful and socially sensitive Croatia, in which all of its citizens will be equally valuable and have equal opportunities for success.

This is a self-confident and progressive Croatia, which knows and has the ability to resolve its problems on its own. This is a Croatia that is a desirable political and economic partner of the developed world; a country that the world recognizes for its natural beauties, rich cultural heritage, economic and political successes, and excellence in all areas of human activity, with capable and hearty people.

My desire is to shape Croatia as a country that protects and nurtures its identity, while at the same time being open toward others and those who are different. I would like a Croatia that is a stable and safe country with a skilled and efficient diplomacy, whose representatives are gladly welcomed members of globally influential committees and institutions, led by pleasant, intelligent and honest politicians. I see the new Croatia as an environmentally aware country, whose progress is based on diligence, knowledge, and the intelligent use of natural potentials and modern technologies… 

Croatia has lived too long in an atmosphere of war and post-war traumas, conflicts, discord over fundamental national interests and without a clear vision for development. This is dramatically reflected in the constant drop in the quality of life of citizens who had awaited the creation of a modern and independent Croatia with high hopes. 

For this reason, in this presidential term in office, I would like to contribute to the forming of a clear vision of Croatia's future in the European Union, to the economic and social development of all parts of Croatia, as well as to a national consensus on important issues for Croatia's present and future. I would like to return dignity and national pride to each and every Croatian, creating a Croatia with satisfied citizens.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary, at the outset, to initiate a debate and to reach a consensus about our future, our identity and our vision of the long-term development of Croatia.

At the same time, the appropriate preconditions in the institutional, legal, material and value sense must be established, and to quickly and efficiently conduct a kind of revival program of Croatia, with a better life for all at the center, along with preserving national identity and social values.

During this time of crisis, and especially due to the feeling of hopelessness of young people and an ever greater number of those unemployed, in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Croatia, I will work on this aspect, using my constitutional rights and surrounding myself with intelligent, diligent and capable associates, regardless of their world view and political leanings.

The necessary institutional and social changes, as preconditions for the economic and social development of Croatia, are institutionally unprepared for development. The number of individuals in government administration conceals this truth. In addition to many other issues, we are witness to immense disappointment of individuals due to injustices, and the failure to resolve global and specific problems. In brief, the feeling of helplessness and injustice, intensified with pictures of arrogance of those who have become rich without working, transforms Croatian society into a society without hope and without a clear vision of the future.

Unfortunately, the solutions that have allowed and allow the unlawful privatization and misuse of national riches are, in this regard, better arranged than those necessary for more rapid development. There are too many solutions "on paper only" in the laws that have not been confirmed in real life, too many procedural traps for people, too much bureaucracy and too many people with bureaucratic mentalities.

On the contrary, in an organized system of laws that are just, clear and understandable to all, public administration must protect public and national interests, as well as facilitate the transparent investment of private capital with the purpose of developing Croatia, its regions and local communities. With particular sensitivity and attention, public administration must solve the requests of citizens, ensure their rights and solve their problems.

To urgently ensure effective instruments for foreign investments, increased employment for a continuation of construction activities and a new push in the tourist offer are priorities. Large Croatian industrial brands, which have for decades borne witness to their own success, must not be extinguished since decades more would be necessary to renew them and for new ones to take shape.

The privatization of Croatia's assets during the 1990s, with its poor execution during the war, has left deep scars of injustice and criminal in Croatian society, the outcomes of which can be felt even to this day. An audit of privatization should have been made at the proper time for such a measure. I am afraid that it is too late for this today and discussions are held on this subject only to cover up the lack of an economic strategy. For a good economic climate and uplift, moral satisfaction is certainly necessary, which means that the most drastic cases of privatization plundering must be punished. Where the law-governed state has arguments, it must act.

However, it is much more important at this moment for Croatian society to reform the economy, which means that the short-term, mid-term and long-term targets must be set in the context of Croatia's accession to the EU. In this regard, also important are fiscal measures: provide tax relief for investments and reduce non-budgetary contributions.

Many problems in Croatia, including the ever greater and unbearable public debt, are the result of an overly expensive and inefficient state. The state must "lose some weight" in order to allow the economy to breathe, for jobs to become stable and for citizens to have more money in their pockets. 

The influence of politicians and politics on the distribution of new values in Croatia is excessively high. The foundation for this is the particularism of the budget. Removing such a mentality, the application of new and efficient legislative solutions, as well as introducing order in public procurements are preconditions for eliminating corruption in Croatia.

In addition to all of this, for various historical and other reasons, we have inherited a kind of "non-work culture" and "easy money culture". This is, in my opinion, the root for the spread of corruption and criminal. Along with the legal framework that is required for suppressing this evil and the obligatory reforms to the justice system to make it more effective and up to date, crucial as well is a change in this "bread without work" mentality. I see my role in this segment as providing incentives that will assert work and the dignity of those who work, so that tomorrow we can have a society in which personal and social status depend primarily on work and knowledge, and not – as is often the case – on luck, chance, or even shady business.


In order to enable and to conduct the economic and social development of Croatia, I will decisively take a stand for reforming the justice system, changing the bureaucratic mentality and reforming government administration, reforming systems of public procurement, prosecuting all forms of criminal, battling corruption and nepotism, more stringent control of the operations of state-owned companies, eliminating politics from managerial positions in those companies, as well as forming non-political, competent and responsible supervisory boards…

This is the key to our progress. This is what I will insist on, work on and conduct. There will be no compromises or bargaining.


Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

As a small country, Croatia must have influential friends in the world. We are going to become a member of the European Union and we are already a part of NATO. In large part, this defines our foreign policy. However, Croatia must build its connections, contacts and cooperation with other countries of the world as well. There is no one preventing us from doing so, because even within the framework of the EU, we can carry out our own initiatives related to foreign policy and diplomacy. I will personally place significant efforts into strengthening relations with neighboring and other Central European countries (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland…), countries with which we have shared historical experiences. I will also take a stand on redefining Croatia's presence in countries of the region, in other words, neighboring countries, with which we have shared a common history in our former country – Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. Among my foreign policy priorities are strengthening partnerships with all members of the EU, as well as the US and all other member countries of NATO. A special place in Croatia's foreign policy will be held by countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, Russia and former Soviet countries, China, Japan, and countries of the Nonaligned Movement…

The obligations of Croatia's diplomacy are not only political, but also the complete presentation and representation of Croatia, its economy, tourism, culture, history… As a result, I will insist on the professionalization of our diplomatic service and on concrete results.

Activities within the framework of the UN are also my priority. Despite all of the problems the UN is faced with today, this is the only organization in the world that provides hope that mankind will one day speak a common language in the interest of peace and prosperity. Croatia celebrated the day when it was accepted into the UN, because it was evidence of its international and legal existence. In this context, the selection of Croatia into the Security Council carries special meaning. The UN is a stage even for small countries, and especially for countries such as Croatia given the number of UN peace missions in which we are involved.

Relations with Slovenia

Good and friendly relations with Slovenia and Croatia's ultimate accession to the European Union must be placed as priorities of our foreign policy, because it is beneficial to Croatian society and to all of our citizens. In addition, negotiations and agreements are the only acceptable approach in a democratic and civilized world. The arbitration agreement is, in principle, on this road. Given that I do not have available of all the background details and all aspects of this agreement, I can only support it in principle. But with the explicit remark: the outcome of resolving the border issue must not take place to the detriment of the territorial integrity of our country. Today's Europe, even peace in Europe, rests on the refusal to change borders, even though border crossing regimes have been completely liberalized. 

Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina

The stability and cooperation of the three constitutional nations for ensuring the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the active participation of Croatia, are in the interest of Croatia. This is why I will support the active role of Croatia, as a signatory of the Dayton Agreement, in creating a better future for Bosnia and Herzegovina. I see Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country of rich diversity, which has also taught me tolerance and collectiveness.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with three constitutional nations. Unfortunately, the political and constitutional crisis, as well as ethnic to a certain degree, shows that it is much more so on paper than in reality. It is in Croatia's best interest for Bosnia and Herzegovina to be stable, included in Euro-Atlantic integrations and for the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be equal and constitutional. It is Croatia's moral and constitutional obligation to involve itself in this direction and to support the constitutional decisions agreed to by all three of its nations. Therefore, equality and constitutionality of the Croatian nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, stability and integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as neighborly and friendly relations, including intense economic, cultural and other forms of cooperation with that country.

Given the shared traffic, infrastructure, economic and many other interests, Croatia must offer Bosnia and Herzegovina mutual preferential status in all areas of mutual interest.


Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal

Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal is a constitutional and international obligation. There are no alternatives, because Croatia's position, our credibility and our genuineness as a country must not be brought into question. What is important in this case is that this cooperation takes place not only in accordance with the Constitutional Act on Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal, but also in compliance with the Statute and Regulations of The Hague Tribunal, which has not always been the case. The Statute of The Hague Tribunal and Tribunal Regulations allow the protection of national interests to a greater extent than what has been and is being done, without bringing into question cooperation with the Tribunal.

Other Priorities of My Activities

Croatian Patriotic Defense War Veterans

Croatian veterans are the most deserving that we are today living in a democratic and independent Croatia, a recognized member of the international community and a partner of the democratic and civilized world. Their sacrifice and contribution are not only a thing of the past, but also a living reality. For this reason, we must pay respect to what they have accomplished, as well as to their suffering, including that of their families, especially the deceased and missing Croatian veterans. The pride and dignity that they have attained must not be forgotten or violated with questionable "assessments" that lessen their contribution. This is our permanent moral and human obligation. In Croatia, there must not be any dissatisfied and disappointed veterans who honorably defended Croatia in the Patriotic Defense War. 

Returning to the Roots for Croatian Immigrants

Croatia is a country with a high level of emigration. Croatians and their descendants live in all corners of the world and are permanently connected with their homeland. They actively participated in its forming, defending and building, and are today actively included in the economic development, lobbying, promotion and all kinds of other support of the Republic of Croatia. Along with strengthening Croatian unity, I will work on once again strengthening ties between Croatians at home and immigrants, and will encourage and ease their investments, a greater number of visits, as well as help those returning permanently. Special care will be given to endorsing the Croatian language and culture in Croatian communities abroad and permanently connecting second and third generation young people with their roots.

Care for Minority Communities

Society demonstrates its maturity and level of democracy through its approach to minorities, regardless of whether they are national, religious, sexual or other communities. Croatia as a country has passed the first test on the road ahead of it and the world. However, it is necessary to further intensify the development of tolerance, understanding, mutual acceptance and respect, in order for every member of a minority community to feel accepted as a member of an open and tolerant Croatian society.

Development and Social Sensitivity

The central issue and mission of the President of the Republic of Croatia is care for the stability of development, as well as the everyday lives of people, especially individuals who (not of their own fault) cannot meet their fundamental needs. I see social sensitivity, social welfare, but also employment as the best form of social welfare, as a crucial joint task in this five-year term.

Our youth is especially valuable, for whom we must ensure a fair and equal availability of education and employment. The right to work must be one of the fundamental human rights.

For the young Croatian democracy, this implies the obligation of maintaining human dignity, social equality and social mission of the state in the inconsistent atmosphere of global capitalism.

In Croatia, we must eliminate the picture of famished individuals and people without roofs over their heads. The most attention, however, must be provided to individuals in the social welfare system and our citizens with special needs. This especially involves the elderly and the youngest, youngsters, the disabled, the unemployed, the sick… 

Initiating a Trend of New Employment 

For Croatia, it is important to eliminate all forms of parasitism of other people's work. This can be achieved when living from work, production and services is safer and better rewarded, as well as valued in state bodies.

Every inherited possession in any form of privatization must be an incentive to maintain employment and for new employment.

Government administration must acquire the quality of serving, with the goal of efficiently supporting economic ideas and projects. At all levels, Croatia must nurture the principle of excellence, including the economy, the arts, innovation…

Stopping De-Industrialization

We must put a stop to the disastrous de-industrialization of Croatia, which has as its goal the persecution of workers and gaining control of valuable real estate. The degradation of work and workers has reached a new level. All reputable Croatian companies must be saved with employee stock ownership plans.

Balanced Development of All Croatian Regions

The diversity of Croatia's regions is one of its riches. Zagreb, as the national center, has an obligation toward all regions, and especially to those least developed as an outcome of the war. This obligation is primarily directed toward the more balanced development of Croatia concerning employment and the complete infrastructure. Decentralization and uniform development will contribute to reduce emigration from currently less developed areas of the country. I endorsed such a policy as mayor of the city of Zagreb.

Protecting and Developing Croatian Cities

Our cities bear witness to our culture and history. Their renewal and development cannot be based only on the budget, but on private investments as well. This implies creating a clear procedure framework for partnerships that will ensure public interests, but also protect private ones. The development of cities and the safeguarding of Croatia's spaces in general are unthinkable without the engagement of the creative, professional, scientific and artistic elite.

Environmental Protection

For Croatia, as a natural oasis of diversity, the rehabilitation and care for the environment is of utmost importance for development, especially considering our ambitions in tourism. In addition, Croatia must meet European environmental standards because we are fast approaching the point when we will all have to work together to save this world in which we have grown up and with which we have carelessly played for too long.

Development of Croatia's Rural Areas

Raising the total infrastructure standard of Croatia's rural areas is important not only for the functioning of rural areas, but also to maintain a balanced population density of Croatia and to protect its heritage and traditions.

Protection and Development of Croatian Islands

The islands are the most beautiful part of Croatia's Adriatic, which will be reduced to wonderful areas only if there are no people living there. Islands and islanders form a special world that must be saved by encouraging appropriate economies, infrastructure, social contents and connections to centers on the mainland.

Energy Stability

Energy stability is one of the preconditions for the stability and development of Croatia. Croatia must control its energy resources. An energy strategy must be produced that will be accepted by consensus. Regarding activating and using energy resources, the controlled introduction of concessions is acceptable, both for fundamental and alternative sources. Croatia must show a great deal of interest in the routes of gas coming from the East and from the Mediterranean.

Tourism as a Driver of Development

For the development of tourism as an important economic branch, all activities and all Croatian regions must be integrated, along with extending our offer and achieving tourism all year round. This especially applies to potential national and local heritage, cultural activities, as well as agriculture and other forms of production and services. Croatia needs to live for tourism all year round in all activities and in all areas.

Culture as Soft Power

Culture, as the soft power of modern countries, is strategically important for Croatia, both for its identity and economy. It bears witness with its heritage to our endurance in this part of the globe. In today's world, with the criterion of excellence as its foundation, it testifies to our ability to participate equally in selected circles. Cultural and artistic creations may, with modest support, open the doors of the world to Croatia.
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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000