Sunday 28 February 2010

Croatas de Canadá

El sábado 13 de marzo llega a Buenos Aires una delegación perteneciente a la parroquia croata "Presveto Trojstvo" (Santísima Trinidad), de la ciudad de Oakville, Provincia de Ontario, Canadá.
Son en total cuarenta (40) miembros de la colectividad croata de esa localidad, 25 jóvenes y 15 padres y acompañantes, entre los cuales se incluye el sacerdote, guía espíritual de esa comunidad.
Los jóvenes del grupo visitante tienen un conjunto folclórico croata de danzas y cuerdas, llamado Hrvatsko Prelo.
Esta delegación de croatas de Canadá nos acompañará en nuestra peregrinación anual a Lujan, que se llevará a cabo el domingo 14 de marzo.
El sábado 13 de marzo, a las 20:30 horas, habrá una cena de agasajo a nuestros visitantes, la que se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones del Hogar Croata, Lugones 4936, de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
El precio de la cena es $ 30 por persona (no incluye bebida).
Además, el jueves 18 de marzo a las 19:30 horas, el conjunto folclórico de Canadá actuará junto a nuestros conjuntos locales en el teatro del colegio Sagrado Corazón, Hipólito Yrigoyen 4350, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El costo de la entrada es de $ 25 por persona.
Para adquirir las entradas llamar a los números 15 4 043-8712 (de Jure Gadze) y 15 5 044-5288 (de Paula Gadze).
Por lo tanto, invitamos a todos los croatas de Buenos Aires y sus alrededores, a compartir estos eventos con nuestros compatriotas que nos visitan desde Canadá.
Comisión Organizadora de los Juegos Mundiales Croatas Zadar 2010.

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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

+ Dr. Pavel Horvat - su fallecimiento

+ Dr. Pavel Horvat

Ayer sábado 27 de marzo falleció el Dr. Pavel Horvat, querido y respetado miembro de la comunidad croata de Buenos Aires. El Dr. Horvat había nacido en 1914. Fue presidente del Club Cultural Croata Argentino y activo miembro de nuestra colectividad.

En nombre de la revista Studia Croatica y de la Unión Democrática Croata - HDZ acompañamos a su familia en estos momentos.

Lamentamos no haber podido difundir antes esta noticia y no haber podido estar acompañando a nuestro querido Dr. Horvat.

Que en paz descanse!

Thursday 25 February 2010

Almuerzo de San José : el Circulo Croata Cultural realizará ...

Almuerzo de San José : el Circulo Croata Cultural realizará su tradicional almuerzo de San José y con motivo además de cumplirse el 87ª aniversario de la institución, el día domingo 21 de marzo 2010, con misa a las 10:30 h en la Iglesia del Colegio Cristo Rey y posterior almuerzo comunitario a las 12:30 h en la sede del Círculo Croata Cultural, Av. A. Debenedetti 1776, Dock Sud. Ampliaremos las informaciones sobre el almuerzo a posteriori informándolos al respecto.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Peregrinación Anual de la Colectividad Croata a Lujan

Peregrinación Anual de la Colectividad Croata al Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Lujan : la colectividad croata realizará la tradicional peregrinación el 14 de Marzo de 2010. El Circulo Croata Cultural comunica que partirá un minibus de 19 ó 24 asientos desde la sede del Circulo sita en Av. A. Debenedetti 1776, Dock Sud a las 8 h y con retorno aproximado a las 16:30 h. Por reservas de asientos comunicarse hasta el martes 9 de Marzo 2010 con Bogdana Majic al 4259-0785 (ó e-mail ó por e-mail al Circulo Croata (

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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Juegos Mundiales Croatas Zadar 2010 - delegacion argentina - integrantes

La Delegación Argentina que participará en los Juegos Mundiales Croatas (JMC) a realizarse en la ciudad de Zadar, del 17 al 23 de Julio del 2010, ya está conformada, compuesta por deportistas de diversos lugares del país (Bahía Blanca, Rosario, Venado Tuerto, Salta y diversas localidades de Capital Federal y Gran Buenos Aires). Sin embargo, siguen las inscripciones hasta mediados de marzo: ante cualquier consulta escriban a
      Pasamos a presentarles entonces a los integrantes de la Delegación: 
  • Equipo Masculino de Futbol. Dirigido por Antonio Saric: (director técnico de futbol. Dirigió en la liga de Canning el equipo Senior de Campo de  Echeverría, Futbol de Salón en el club Sol del Plata categoría 1977; actualmente y hace 3 años dirige al Club Deportivo Croata en la liga Sportjoy, y previamente en la liga Cantilo).
    El equipo está compuesto por: Beguy Gastón, Kruk Iván, Markovic Iván, Nevistic Iván, Vodanovic Yago, Zelich Diego.
  • Equipo Masculino de BásquetEl equipo está compuesto por: Aramburu Troselj Mariano, Jelic Milan Carlos, Musich Manuel, Pérez Vulich Nicolás, Perkovic Adrián, Zanni Agustín, Zanni Juan Pablo.
  • Equipo Femenino de Voley: Dirigido por María Celina Conti (Profesora nacional  de Educación Física, Maestra de Educación Física ESC 23 DE16 y ESC 10 DE15 CABA, profesora de escuela croata “Sveti Nikola Tavelic).
    El equipo está compuesto por. Castellini Covacich Julieta, Gadze Ana, Moreira Ana Paula del Rosario, Moreira Ines Belén, Sosa Ribicich Rocío.
  • Natación: Buconic Mariano, Ranchilio Leandro.
  • Tenis: Eduardo Fermín Gonzalez Alvez, Alejo Kozicki,  Virginia Mauri Franco.
  • Tenis Veteranos: Virgina Mauri de Franco, Mariano Borhi, Francisco Borhi.
  • Bochas: Pascual Oscar Covacich.
    Deportistas individuales que integrarán el equipo de los JMC –integrado por deportistas de distintos países- en las siguientes disciplinas:
  • Water polo: Mariano Sosa Ribicich
  • Rugby: José Pulfer
  • Futbol Veteranos: Juan  Pablo Covacih, José Gabriel Rodriguez.

   Además se amplió el comité argentino, que ahora  está compuesto por: José Duic, Jorge Gadze, Paula Gadze, María Celina Conti, Ante Nevistic y Ante Saric.
   `Para más información sobre los Juegos pueden visitar nuestra página web y seguir las novedades de la preparación de la delegación en, que actualizaremos frecuentemente. Visitando nuestro blog, podrán conocer al Embajador Argentino para los JMC Zadar 2010: Marcos Milinkovic, miembro de la selección argentina de voley y mejor jugador en el Campeonato Mundial 2002. Los embajadores son personalidades destacadas en Croacia y en el Mundo que brindan su apoyo a este evento deportivo; en el blog encontrarán el link a la galería con todos los embajadores en la página oficial. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Placido Domingo en Split - film concierto

Hrvatski Dom – Centro Croata
Lugones  4936 – (1430) Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Telefon 4542 – 5927

Ima  čast pozvati Vas na premijeru koncerta- filma;

                                                       PLACIDO  DOMINGO  U SPLITU

Koja će se održati u nedelju 28 veljače 2010.- u 17,30 sati u Hrvatskom Domu.

Tiene el agrado de invitar a Ud.,  a la presentacion del film concerto:

                                                        PLACIDO  DOMINGO EN  SPLIT

El dia DOMINGO 28 de febrero de 2010 a las 17,30 Horas en el Centro Croata

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Centro Croata Bahía Blanca - Informe 19

Bahia Blanca 8  de febrero de 2010
                                   Informe “Ljepa Nasa”  Nº 19
                           Centro Croata Bahía Blanca                                                                                     
                                  entidad  Nº 40 de U.A.C.R.A
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  Cardenal Aloysius Stepinac

  Hola a todos los croatas, retomamos las actividades para este 2010 con nuevos bríos, nos espera un año
con muchas actividades en este bicentenario ya recibimos invitaciones para actos oficiales  y presentaciones,en feria, cine y en todas con ganas de representar a Croacia como corresponde.
Comenzaremos este año con un resumen histórico de cómo y cuando nació el:
  “Centro Croata de Bahía Blanca”.  
Alrededor de 1995 el profesor Gustavo Chalier, desempeñándose en el Museo del Puerto de Ing. White comienza un trabajo con la comunidad Croata.
El mismo consistió  en entrevistas a numerosas croatas y descendientes que fueron relatando la historia de sus familias.
“Para estos primeros acercamientos. La historia oral constituyo una eficaz metodología. No solamente porque a través de ella se logro registrar anécdotas, relatos y recetas imposibles de conseguir de otro modo, sino que también esa técnica permitió un acercamiento personal entre el Museo y cada uno de los integrantes de la colectividad.
Diciembre de 1995.
Se decidió  convocarlos, provocar el encuentro o, muchas veces, el reencuentro. El Museo y su Cocina sirvieron como marco de reunión. Una de nuestras salas se pobló de objetos familiares, fotos de abuelos, paisajes que abandonaron, misales, mapas. Unas cuarentas personas, entre nativos y descendientes, muchos de ellos sintiendo hablar de croatas por primera vez en su vida, se dieron cita en la oportunidad. A partir del encuentro inicial, surgió de manera espontánea el reconocimiento de cada uno en los otros, y comenzaron a deslizarse viejas memorias y a susurrarse olvidados saludos en lengua de los antepasados. Abril de 1996 y otra reunión. Esta vez, casi sesenta personas.
La excusa fue la presentación de una pequeña publicación que realizo el Museo, explicando la inmigración croata en la religión y contando historias de vida que ellos nos habían contado. Se recogieron y se intercambiaron más historias, más canciones. Y de ellos mismos surgió la idea de formar un centro croata, lo que se concreto en el mes mas siguiente”. (Gustavo Chalier).

Así  nuestra institución en Mayo de 1996. Con el transcurrir del tiempo algunos miembros se alejaron por razones particulares, otros se acercaron para integrarla y otros lamentablemente nos ha dejado para siempre.
Con muy pocos recursos humanos y económicos estamos tratando de llevar nuestra fisión de difundir su historia, su rica cultura, su música, sus comidas...
En el 2003 se formo el Coro Slavuj (ruiseñor) con el objetivo de difundir canciones folklóricas croatas. Somos parte integrante del Centro de Colectividades Extranjeras participando junto a ellos en distintos eventos, desfiles, Feria de la Colectividades, etc.
Invitamos a todos aquellos nativos o descendientes a que se acerquen a nuestra institución para seguir trabajando y engrandecerla.    
  “No somos Austriacos,  Ni somos Italianos tampoco. Nosotros somos Croatas”                                             
(Nicolás Sucic)

  ØConvocatoria exposiciones Biblioteca Rivadavia: Por pedido especial de la Directora de la  Biblioteca
   Rivadavia Lic. Norma Bisignano.invita a las colectividades Extranjeras, a artistas, a jóvenes realizadores
   visuales, a establecimientos educativos y a instituciones culturales a la presentación  de propuestas que, desde
   los lenguajes visuales, tengan como prioridad la creatividad y el carácter educativo del espacio. Las obras se
  expondrán, de acuerdo con su temática, en el Hall de entrada, en la Galería de acceso, en Hemeroteca, en las
  Salas Infantil, Juvenil y Daniel Aguirre,  durante  tres semanas.Presentaciòn  de propuestas hasta el 1º de Marzo
  ØCumpleaños:   16 de Enero, Rodríguez  Iris (coca); 26 de Enero, Alcira Djurovic; 1º de febrero  Blazenka
    Meklicanin de Lauric; 4 de Febrero Liliana del Carmen Bonnettini; 24 de febrero, Jorge Ivessa.

   ØCardenal Aloysius Stepinac : Mártir de los Derechos Humanos, falleció el 10 de febrero de1960,fue
    Arzobispo  de Zagreb y presidió la iglesia católica croata durante la segunda guerra mundial.

  ØRecordatorios; 4-1-03 Elena Kucan, 2-2-08 Elvira Milohanic ,6-2-08  Irene Kopsic, 19-2-03 Dinko Cvitanovic.
    Rogamos para ellos una oración en su memoria.

                  Sixto Laspiur 1135  Bahìa Blanca
                  (0291)-4549749 -  4533624

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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Monday 22 February 2010

Seccion Consular de la Embajada de Croacia, cambio de horario de atencion al public

Informamos que a partir de hoy, 22 de febrero, el horario de atencion al publico de la Sección Consular de la Embajada de Croacia en Buenos Aires será el siguiente:

lunes, jueves y viernes de 9 a 12
martes y miércoles de 13 a 16

Nikolina Zidek
drugi tajnik/Segundo Secretario
Konzularni odjel/Sección Consular
Veleposlanstvo RH u Buenos Airesu/
Embajada de Croacia en Buenos Aires
tel.+54 11 4777 7284
fax. +54 11 4777 0980
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Sunday 21 February 2010

CROWN - 21 February 2010

Jakov Fak Croatia's biathlon skier won bronze medal at Winter Olympic Games
Jakov Fak, Croatia's biathlon skiing athlet, won a bronze medal in the 10 km sprint at the 2010 Winter Olympics Games in Vancouver, Canada. This is the first olympic medal at Winter Oympic Games after Janica Kostelić, the greatest skier among women in history (3 gold medals and one bronze),and Ivica Kostelić (1 silver medal) at the 2006 Winter Ollympic Games in Torino, Italy.

Anton Cetin distinguished Croatian painter in Canada
Anton Cetín was born in 1936 in Croatia. He studied printmaking and painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Since 1968 he has been living and working in Toronto, Canada. A deluxe monograph about his work was written in 1986. by Dr. David Burnett of Toronto. Several documentary films about Cetín's life and work were produced.

Miro Gavran to be premiered at the TEATRO ALLO SCALO in Rome Feb 16 2010
Croatian playwright Miro Gavran will have his drama NIGHT OF THE GODS premiered at the TEATRO ALLO SCALO in Rome on February 16, 2010. Two days later, on February 18, Miro Gavran will present his theatre and literary work to the students of the renowned Rome university SAPIENZA, with his wife, the actress Mladena Gavran. His works have been translated into 32 languages.
 full story    printer version -->
Sukhev Dail Croatia loving artist and his creations
Born in Punjab, India, educated in New Delhi and Belgium, he emigrated to Canada, then United States. He worked in animation studios, and reached  the role of a director. Married to Marija Miletić, a Croatian, they opened an animation studio in Hollywood. His newest exhibition produced a series of fine reviews and accolades from the public, as well as from fellow artists.

Armenian bishop Nareg Alemezian in Dubrovnik Celebrating the Day of St. Vlaho
  A special bond between Croatia and Armenia is the cult of the saint Sv. Vlaho (St. Blaise) from Armenian Sebaste, patron of the city of Dubrovnik. Armenian bishop Nareg Alemezian on the left visited the City and participated in the annual festivity, 1038th in order! The author of the first history of Armenian people published in Europe was Croatian - Josip Marinović, in 18th century.

Ivan Mestrovic Croatian sculptor and his Chicago Indians
Ivan Meštrović sculptured 6m high equestrian statues representing American Indians, known as Spearmen or Bowmen. The sculptures have been created in 1926 in his atelier in Croatia's capital Zagreb. Each of them is weighing 8 tons, and placed at the entrance of Grant Park in Chicago. We invite you to see a short film from Zagreb describing Meštrović's work on these famous monuments.

Zdravko Kalabric at the 34th Congress of the World Association of Chefs’ Societies Susanne Metz | Published 01/30/2010 | Culture And Arts , Croatian Cuisine | Unrated -->
Along with his friend and colleague, Zlatko Marinovic (Chef/Owner of Nostromo in Split and captain of the regional team participating in the 2008 Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, Germany), Chef Kalabric flew in from Brodarica to attend the 34th WACS Congress held in Santiago de Chile. He worked in some of the most prestigious kitchens, including the Ritz Carlton Montreal, the Chateau Champlain and a private club in Toronto. Participated in the Culinary Olympics (IKA).

Borivoj Dovniković Croatian master of animated film: Learning to Walk
Borivoj Dovniković is recipient of numerous awards at international festivals of animated films. Retrospectives of his films have been shown in about fifty cities throughout the world.  He was a member of international juries and selection committees at twenty five festivals, and participated on various forums dealing with animated films, from the USA and Canada to Korea, China and Japan.

Croatian Cooking Show on the OC Channel (PBS) Jan 27 and Feb 3, 2010
Brenda Brkusic (left) drops in to co-host two episodes of "Cooking for Health and Pleasure".  She will be preparing Croatian dishes on the show. These episodes will be airing on KOCE's OC Channel with part one airing on Jan 27 and part two on Feb 3, 2010

Zagreb Youth Theater Performance at La Mama, New York City Jan 28 - Feb 7, 2010
The play, directed by Ivica Buljan, is based on the popular contemporary Croatian novel of the same name by Zdenko Mesaric, which has been described as "moving, dark, cold, Sisyphean." The play runs from January 28 - February 7, 2010, and has start times on Thursday - Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
 full story    printer version -->
Ivica Kostelic Croatian skier celebrates 10th World Cup slalom victory
Croatian skier Ivica Kostelić has come to his 10th career FIS Ski World victory on men's FIS SKi World Cup slalom in Wengen, on January 17 2010. Here is the list of the first five skiers: 1. Ivica Kostelić (Croatia), 2. Andre Myhrer (Sweden), 3. Reinfried Herbst (Austria), 4. Benjamin Raich (Austria), 5. Julien Lizeroux (France).

Dalia Lazar has Carnegie Hall recital on January 27th 2010 at 7:30 pm
Dalia Lazar is Croatian pianist who had concerts and recitals in the United States, Israel, Russia, Switzerland, Greece, Venezuela, Croatia, Mexico, etc. At the age of sixteen she was admitted to Moscow's P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory. She has perfomed throughout former Soviet Union. She will perform a recital in memory of Maria Curcio on Wednesday, January 27th 2010 at 7:30 pm at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York.
 full story    printer version -->
Robert Herjavec Croatian-born Canadian entrepreneur, businessman and TV star
Herjavec began his career with IBM mainframe sales but in 1990 founded BRAK Systems which soon became Canada's top provider of Internet security software. BRAK Systems was sold to AT&T in 2000 for $100 million. Subsequently Herjavec founded and runs The Herjavec Group, a fast-growing security software company.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Stepinčevo u Krašiću

Stepinčevo u Krašiću

Stepinac je imao poseban osjećaj za sveto, stalno je upozoravao vjernike da je Bog velik, vječan i neprolazan, kazao je kardinal Puljić

KRAŠIĆ - Crkva u hrvatskom narodu u srijedu je obilježila 50. obljetnicu smrti nadbiskupa i blaženika Alojzija Stepinca, koji je preminuo u rodnom Krašiću 10. veljače 1960. Njemu u spomen svečano euharistijsko slavlje u Župnoj crkvi Presvetog Trojstva u Krašiću u srijedu je predvodio nadbiskup vrhbosanski kardinal Vinko Puljić, u zajedništvu s varaždinskim biskupom Josipom Mrzljakom, križevačkim vladikom Nikolom Ninom Kekićem i tridesetak svećenika. Kao i svake godine, središnje euharistijsko slavlje u spomendan kardinala Stepinca održano je navečer u zagrebačkoj katedrali, a predvodio ga je zagrebački nadbiskup kardinal Josip Bozanić.

Predvoditelj misnog slavlja u krašićkoj crkvi Presvetog Trojstva, kardinal Puljić, u propovijedi je istaknuo da je kardinal Stepinac bio jedan od onih hrvatskih blaženika i mučenika koji je pokazao kako treba gajiti duhovne vrijednosti i za njih živjeti, te svakodnevno obnavljati svetost Duha, što nam je u današnje vrijeme osobito potrebno. Stepinac je imao poseban osjećaj za sveto, stalno je upozoravao vjernike da je Bog velik, vječan i neprolazan, a sve ostalo je prolazno, kazao je kardinal Puljić. Posebno je naglasio kako je Crkva vrlo brzo uvidjela sve njegove sposobnosti, osobito njegovu duhovnost, te je vrlo mlad postao zagrebački nadbiskup.

To vrijeme njegove nadbiskupske službe kardinal Puljić povezao je i s vremenom komunizma koji je, kako je istaknuo, htio zatrovati vjeru u hrvatskom narodu. Napomenuo je da je Stepinac energično upozoravao svećenike koji su bili nagovarani da surađuju s ondašnjim režimom, boreći se za jasna načela o vrijednosti Crkve. Kardinal Puljić je govorio i o svojim vrlo teškim iskustvima u vrijeme nedavnog rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, kada je po uzoru na Stepinca ostao vjeran Bogu, Crkvi i svome narodu, rekavši kako je u Stepinčevoj osobi i žrtvi pronalazio snagu vlastite žrtve koju je trebalo podnositi. Prisjetio se i vremena montiranog političkog procesa kardinalu Stepincu u Zagrebu 1946., na kojemu se Stepinac nije osvrtao na sve ono što su mu ondašnji jugokomunistički vlastodršci pripisivali, ponavljajući da mu je savjest čista i uzdajući se u Boga.

Stepinčev život, istaknuo je kardinal Puljić, poziv nam je za život u nadi koja nas ohrabruje, jer smo i mi danas potrebni te nade, s obzirom na to da živimo u teškim vremenima. Osvrćući se i na zatočeništvo što ga je Stepinac proveo u Lepoglavi te u kućnom pritvoru u Krašiću, kazao je da mu je u tim teškim trenucima i te kako pomogla snaga evanđelja, euharistija i Božja riječ. Stepinac je umro s krunicom i svijećom, odbivši sve privlačnosti vanjskog svijeta, vjerujući krunici za koju je često govorio da je evanđelje siromaha.

U svom životu kardinal Stepinac je veliku nadu polagao u zaštitu Blažene Djevice Marije, a svjedoci smo, kazao je kardinal Puljić, koliko je hrvatski narod pobožan prema Djevici Mariji. Na kraju propovijedi još je jednom podsjetio na Stepinčevu poniznost u molitvi, njegovo predanje Bogu, njegovu smrt te njegov lik koji, kako je kazao, »i danas baca zlatne snopove svjetlosti, vjere, nade i pouzdanja za ovaj narod«. Kardinal Puljić pozvao je vjernike da sve duhovne vrijednosti ovoga blaženika i mučenika i danas znamo utkati u naše vlastite živote. [Hina]
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

CROATIAN art&craft EXPO 2

We are proud to INVITE YOU to the “CROATIAN art&craft EXPO 2”
NEW YORK CITY / FEBRUARY 13th - 23rd 2010.g.

MC GALLERY - 549 WEST 52ND ST, 8TH FLOOR (Between 10th and 11th Avenue), 
 | NEW YORK NY 10019 | PHONE +1.212.581.1966,

               OPENING RECEPTION of the first TWO EXHIBITIONS

               MONDAY FEBRUARY 15th, 6 - 9 p.m.
               the exhibition will be officially declared open by

                         Mrs. Kolinda GRABAR -  KITAROVIĆ

                     Croatian Ambassador to the United States

          Solo exhibition of the sculptoress MARGARETA KRSTIĆ


      17 figural sculptures made in the demanding technique of Raku pottery



                   MORE INFO:

The ten-day cultural event will consist of four exhibitions representing current Croatian applied and fine arts, exhibiting works from forty artists with an emphasis on the role of traditional handicrafts in modern artistic expression, working in traditional and non-traditional media.
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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos

Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills

Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Dr. John R. Schindler - Agents Provocateurs: Terrorism, Espionage, and the Secret Struggle for Yugoslavia, 1945-1990

Interview: Dr. John R. Schindler
Subject: Schindler’s forthcoming book, Agents Provocateurs: Terrorism, Espionage, and the Secret Struggle for Yugoslavia, 1945-1990

1. How did you get idea to write a book about UDBA assassinations?
Back in the 1990s, when I was involved in the hunt for war criminals in Bosnia and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia, I was intrigued by the fact that many of the most wanted men – Arkan was the only most famous example of this type – had extensive histories with state security, ie UDBA, under Communism, and many had participated in “special actions” against radical émigrés abroad for Tito. As a counterintelligence officer, I was initially puzzled by how so many thugs could be organized crime members, ie Mafiosi, but also be high-ranking collaborators with UDBA. They all had “VIP” – veza i protekcija. I soon learned that this was entirely intentional, and a perverse outgrowth of the decades-long war waged by Tito’s secret police against the “enemy emigration.” One cannot understand much about the former Yugoslavia since 1991 – murders, corruption, mass killings, assassinations – without understanding how UDBA’s secret struggle against terrorism politicized crime, and criminalized politics. We think of events such as the 2003 murder of Zoran Djindjic as “normal,” but when the prime minister is murdered in broad daylight by assassins who are simultaneously state security officials and organized crime bosses, who have murdered people in several countries – this is not normal, this is the legacy of UDBA, what I call “Tito’s Ghost”.

2. When and how did you for the first time find out about UDBA assassinations, and which case was that?

Like everyone who gets close to UDBA veterans – as President Putin famously said, “There are no former intelligence officers” – I heard the stories, after drinks. Tales of operations against terrorists in Stuttgart or Sydney. Stories about surveillance leading to killings all over the West during the late Cold War. Exciting but very bloody stories, like nothing I had heard before. I didn’t believe it at first, but I was curious, so I started looking into it, part-time, what spies call a “hobby file.” I was astonished to find that much of what the Udbasi said was true. The first case I looked into deeply was the murder of the Croatian dissident Bruno Busic in Paris in October 1978 – a clear-cut UDBA killing. While Busic was very sympathetic to Croatian nationalism, he was no “terrorist” but he was murdered anyway, shot in the head at close range, like most victims of what UDBA called the “black program.” The Busic case also illustrates the double standards in the West regarding UDBA crimes. Only a month before, the Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was assassinated by the Bulgarian secret police in London, the famous “umbrella murder,” which caused outrage in the West. That investigation is still open, British police continue to try and make an arrest, 32 years later. But nobody in the West much cared when Busic was brutally assassinated a few weeks later in Paris. The case has been forgotten. Tito was useful to the West, so UDBA crimes were mostly ignored, even when Yugoslav agents killed abroad, frequently. During the Cold War, UDBA assassinated many more people in the West than the Soviet bloc did, but it has received very little attention – then or since.

3. How much time did you spend on research and collecting material for the book?

I have spent years looking into this matter, but mostly as a “hobby file” – taking notes, talking to people across the region, digging up old newspaper clippings in many languages. It has been a gradual process, getting stories right – and some things will never be fully known, because UDBA was very secretive, and many of those involved have died, often violently. It is hardly a coincidence that many of the UDBA officers and agents most involved in “black actions” are now dead – and they have seldom died in bed.

4. Did you have access to American secret service (CIA, of FBI or others) archive concerning UDBA activities, and did you maybe have access to such archive in other countries?

I have seen some U.S. secret files on these cases during my time with American intelligence. However, those have not been used in the writing of my book, as they are off-limits to researchers. It is important to get the story right, to cut through myths, to be fully accurate, and if a fact cannot be checked, I won’t use it. I am confident that, years from now, when U.S. intelligence files about UDBA are released, they will tell an interesting story that will reinforce my book. Most UDBA files relating to the “special program” were destroyed in the early 1990s when Yugoslavia fell apart. However, some files have come to light in Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Zagreb and have appeared, and I have used them. In many cases, UDBA was careful to not write much down in the first place, which was good for spies but bad for historians!

5. During your research did you find any common characteristic in UDBA assassinations?

Most UDBA assassinations abroad followed a standard model. Yugoslav agents planted disinformation in émigré circles in the West, to create confusion and in-fighting inside groups. Assassins would conduct surveillance, then kill the target, usually with gunshots at close range. UDBA killings were often very brutal, more brutal than needed to kill. In some cases, victims were killed with knives and stabbed dozens of times. In all cases, UDBA tried to portray killings as the “result of squabbles among émigrés” – a story which Western police and intelligence agencies, which seldom understood Yugoslav émigrés well, often accepted at face value.

6. How many assassinations do you describe in your book, and do you maybe know how many persons UDBA kill abroad overall?

It is difficult to say with absolute certainty, but between the mid-1960s and 1990, UDBA attempted over a hundred assassinations or abductions in the West – heavily West Germany, but all over Western and Central Europe, plus Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, even South Africa. Wherever there were Yugoslav émigrés, UDBA followed. Over 60 Croats were murdered by UDBA abroad, as well as some Serbs and Albanians – certainly at least 80 confirmed UDBA killings during the late Cold War, all in Western countries friendly to Yugoslavia. There were nearly a dozen murders in the USA alone.

7. Do you know who was responsible in UDBA for abroad operations and most of the assassinations?

In some cases, we can say with a high degree of certainty exactly who approved assassinations and conducted them, because survivors have talked since 1991. In a few cases, paperwork survives. The general pattern is clear. The political leadership, usually at republican level, would request a “special action” against a troublesome émigré – some real terrorists, others not – and the republican UDBA would do the killing, sometimes with help from the Federal UDBA in Belgrade. In other words, most killings of Croats abroad were performed by the Croatian UDBA. In most cases, the actual assassination was performed by an agent with mafia connections, not someone easily tied to the Yugoslav government. In the few cases where assassins were caught by Western police, it was nearly impossible to show their links to UDBA, due to this solid tradecraft.

8. What was, for you, most spectacular case of UDBA assassinations, and why?

There were many cases which were indeed spectacular – the murder of Busic in 1978 was unusually brazen, as was the murder of the Croatian émigré Stjepan Djurekovic in West Germany in 1983, a really bloody and brutal affair. Perhaps UDBA’s most impressive operation was the assassination of the notorious Ustasa Vjekoslav “Maks” Luburic (the commander of Jasenovac during World War II) in Spain in 1969, by Ilija Stanic, who lives in Bosnia today. UDBA patiently infiltrated Stanic into Luburic’s inner circle of Ustasa émigrés, and then killed “Maks” savagely. The most troubling cases, for me, are those where innocent people were murdered by UDBA. In 1972, Tito’s assassins caught up with Stjepan Sevo, a member of the Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood (HRB) in Italy. Sevo was a terrorist, but the assassin gunned down not just Sevo but his entirely innocent wife and his nine-year-old step-daughter, Tatjana. Five years later, in Chicago, an UDBA assassin brutally stabbed to death Dragisa Kasikovic, an extremist Serb émigré, but in the process also murdered his girlfriend’s nine year old daughter, Ivanka Milosevic. I have never heard of any other intelligence service doing such a thing intentionally.

9. How will you shortly describe UDBA organization after your research?

After the fall of Yugoslavia, UDBA disappeared, yet it didn’t. No ex-Yugoslav republic has really come to terms with UDBA crimes at home and abroad, and none of their secret services was cleansed of UDBA operatives with blood on their hands. To cite just one example, witness the indictment of Josip Perkovic by German authorities in 2005 for his role in the 1983 Djurekovic murder – but Perkovic was Tudjman’s right-hand-man on security matters in the early 1990s, and his son Sasa has been a senior advisor to President Mesic! Across ex-Yugoslavia, Udbasi simply became servants of new states and regimes, without many questions being asked. It is clearly in no one’s interest that UDBA crimes be really investigated and solved. For years Croatian authorities half-heartedly tried to prosecute Vinko Sindicic, the most prolific UDBA assassin, probably responsible for more than a dozen murders in the West (he was convicted by British authorities for the 1988 attempted murder of Croatian émigré Nikola Stedul in Scotland, and served a decade in prison), and got nowhere, and Sindicic lives openly in Croatia today. In Serbia, the situation is even worse, and the UDBA infrastructure, the vital nexus of spies and criminals and dirty money, has been only partially dismantled. Milosevic was happy to use it for his own purposes, and few people in Serbia seem to want to know the truth about UDBA crimes.

10. In comparison with secret service like CIA, or Mossad etc., do you think that UDBA was professional, successful and dangerous organization?

In pure espionage terms, UDBA was an outstanding service. It thoroughly defeated the terrorist groups fighting globally to destroy Tito’s Yugoslavia – and we must not forget that despite the fact that UDBA declared all its opponents to be “terrorists” and “war criminals” there really were such groups, and they were real and violent – and did so magnificently. The defeat of the enemy was total, and UDBA successfully cloaked its violent acts in secrecy. The USA has much to learn operationally from UDBA tactics and techniques against terrorism: no service has ever done it better. But the price paid by the peoples of former Yugoslavia for UDBA’s success against terrorism has been enormous. We have UDBA and its methods to thank for the criminalization of politics and police that is endemic across the region, and we have Tito and his spies to thank for creating the likes of Arkan and countless other mass murderers who got their start in UDBA’s “special program.” For anyone who wants to really defeat terrorism, UDBA has shown how – but be careful what you wish for!
Dr. John R. Schindler is Professor of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. Previously he served for nearly a decade with the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency as an expert in counterintelligence and counterterrorism. He is the author of several books on international security, espionage and terrorism.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke

Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law – Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata

Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)

(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000

Monday 1 February 2010

Marjana Werner - in memoriam

U ime Hrvatskog Caritasa Kardinal Stepinac zelimo odati sjecanje i zahvalnost nasoj dugogodsnjoj i vrlo vrijednoj djelatnici Marijani Werner rodjena Saric, koja je preminula 21. ovog mjeseca u Zagrebu.

Rodila se u Lici. U domovini od mladih dana bila je aktivni hrvatski rodoljub i vjernik

Nakon rata to jest godine 1948. Marjana Werner je stigla sa muzem Ivanom u Buenos Aires.

U Buenos Airesu godine 1963. je sudjelovala u osnutku hrvatskog Caritasa.

Njezin pozrtvorni rad kroz 30 godina je bio neumoran i primjer za ostale djelatnice Caritasa: posjecivanje bolesnika u domu umirovljenika i po privatnim kucama, itd.

Takodjer je sudjelovala u osnutku treceg franjevackog reda, koji je osnovan u nasem sredistu.

Prije 10 godina preselila se u Zagreb, gdje je nastavila svojim karitativnim radom.

Nikad nije zaboravila nasu zajednicu i cak nas je materijalno pomagala.

Njenoj rodbini u Argentini i u domovini, nasa duboka sucut.

Neka dragi Bog nagradi njen neumoran rad kroz teski zivot i svjetlost vjecna neka obasja njenu plemenitu dusu.

Vjera Bulat