Saturday 17 February 2018

Summary - Paula Gadže - The Media's Role in Preserving the Identity of Croatians in Buenos Aires and Rosario

Summary - Paula Gadže - The Media's Role in Preserving the Identity of Croatians in Buenos Aires and Rosario




Emigrant print media and its multi-decade tradition in Buenos Aires and Rosario is being supplanted in part by the fascinating reach of new media in nurturing and developing the Croatian cultural identity in Argentina, which the Croatian foreign and European affairs ministry estimates is home to about a quarter million people of Croatian extraction. The author focuses on the culturological achievements of the Studia Croatica journal and portal and the Croacia en mi corazón, Croacias totales and Bar croata radio shows in the Spanish speaking world. Applying the autoethnographic method she consummately presents the experiences of young generations of Argentinean Croatians in the societal and cultural practices that link the friendly nations of Argentina and Croatia, their new and old homelands. In the contemporary societal context the category of space and time has morphed – a massive quantity of information and media services are available via the Internet, at all times and in all places, and people can now simply get into contact with persons in geographically distant communities. The multilingual media scene of the Croatian diaspora is certainly being encouraged in excellent fashion by Glas Hrvatske (The Voice of Croatia, La Voz de Croacia) – an all day international programme provided around the world via satellite and the Internet by national radio and television broadcaster HRT.

The majority of various forms of cultural expression (music, film, mass media etc.) is currently produced and distributed in digital form. Convergence in the domain of the media industry is now also characterised by publishing on multiple platforms. The borders of different media genres are being wiped away and portals, for example, carry in part textual information (like newspapers) and in part audio and visual (like radio and television) and at the same time allow emigrants to express an opinion directly on a portal, or on the air, as Studia Croatica and the cited radio programmes in Buenos Aires and Rosario do.

Full Article in Croatian and Spanish:

Paula Gadže - Uloga Medija u Očuvanju Identiteta Hrvata u Buenos Airesu i Rosariju

Paula Gadže - Los medios de comunicación croatas y su rol en la preservación de la identidad croata en Buenos Aires y Rosario

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