Croatia condemns UN massacre trial
Families of the victims protested against the UN sentences in Zagreb
Croatian leaders have condemned a UN war crimes court for passing"shameful" sentences for a 1991 massacre by Serb-led forces and said they would protest to the UN Security Council.
The UN tribunal in the Hague sentenced a former Yugoslav army officer to 20 years in jail for aiding and abetting the killings of 194 people in the town of Vukovar. A second ex-officer recieved five years for standing by while prisoners were tortured but cleared of more serious charges and a third was acquitted.
Stjepan Mesic, the president, said the sentences were "utterly unacceptable" whilst Ivo Sanader, the prime minister called them"shameful".
Sanader said the sentences were a "defeat of the whole idea of theHague tribunal". "We shall lodge a strong protest with the UN Security Council,"Sanader said.
He also gave orders to send a protest to the chairman of UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
'Killed once again'
Prosecutors said the victims were largely civilians and sought life sentences for the three officers for effectively allowing the killings to take place.
Vladimir Seks, the speaker of the Croatian parliament said "with this verdict, the Vukovar victims are as good as killed once again".
The ruling shocked the Croatian public, which sees Vukovar as a symbol of the country's suffering and its struggle for independence from Serb-dominated Yugoslavia.
Mile Mrksic, 60, a colonel in the Serb army at the time of the offence and the commander of the Serb forces in the region, received a 20-year sentence for withdrawing protection of Croatians and other non-Serbs, who were later killed by Serb paramilitary forces.
Veselin Sljivancanin, 54, the area's chief security officer, was sentenced to five years for failing to protect the Croatians, who were considered prisoners of war, from beatings and torture by the local Serb paramilitary forces and Territorial Defence units.
Miroslav Radic, 45, the third of the group known as the "Vukovar Three", was found to have had nothing to do with the cruelty meted out to the hospital evacuees and ultimately their murder.
Night of torture
Radic was ordered to be released immediately. Sljivancanin, who was arrested by Serb authorities in June 2003, will be credited for his time in detention and will be released within a year.
The hospital in the eastern Croatian town fell to the Serb army in November 1991 after a three-month siege that virtually levelled the town. When an agreed hour approached, an armoured Serb vehicle blocked access across a bridge to the hospital while buses took another routeto smuggle out the men seized inside the building.
More than 200 men were taken first to a Serb army barracks, then to a pig farm at Ovcara where they passed through lines of soldiers who "beat them with wooden sticks, rifle butts poles chains and even crutches", said a court statement.
Their guards formed "shifts of beaters" in an unrelenting night of torture. On the night of November 20, Mrksic ordered the Serb army and military police to withdraw. The paramilitary forces took the men in small groups to an area nearby and shot them.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Croats call U.N. war crimes verdict "shameful"
By Zoran Radosavljevic
ZAGREB, Sept 28 (Reuters) -
Croatian leaders denounced the U.N. war crimes tribunal on Friday for its "shameful" sentences in a 1991 massacre by Serb-led forces near Vukovar and said they would demand a full discussion at the United Nations.
President Stjepan Mesic said the sentences were "utterly unacceptable" and Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, who went overnight to Vukovar to calm angry residents, said he was "bewildered and disappointed" in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon."
Vukovar remains the site of the worst war crimes committed in Croatia" and "together with Sarajevo and Srebrenica, ranks as one of the internationally recognised symbols of war and destruction", he wrote.
The U.N. court in The Hague on Thursday sentenced former Yugoslav army officer Mile Mrksic to 20 years in prison for enabling the massacre of194 people taken from a hospital in Vukovar, then besieged by Yugoslav and rebel Serb troops.
A second ex-officer, Veselin Sljivancanin, was sentenced to five years for torture but cleared of more serious charges. A third, MiroslavRadic, was acquitted on all counts.
Prosecutors had wanted life sentences for all three. Sanader's letter to Ban said Croatia would present its views at theU.N. general assembly and before U.N. security council." It is time to reassess all aspects of the tribunal's work," the letter said.The Hague tribunal ruling shocked the Croatian public, which sees Vukovar as a symbol of its suffering and struggle for independence from Serb-dominated Yugoslavia.
A group of 'Vukovar Mothers' staged a sombre protest at Zagreb's main square, lighting candles and carrying large photographs of their husbands and sons killed in Vukovar. The top-selling daily Jutarnji List wrote an editorial under the headline: "22,000 refugees, 3,000 killed, 260 patients executed. Perpetrators free".
The massacre at Vukovar, close to the border with Serbia, is seen asone of the most brutal episodes of the Yugoslav wars. Besieged at the start of the 1991-95 war, the town fell to Yugoslav forces after a relentless three-month siege. At least 264 people, mainly Croats who sought shelter in the local hospital believing they would be evacuated, were taken to a farm building in nearby Ovcara by Serb militias. The captives were beaten for several hours, then transported in groups of 10 to 20 to a site close by, where at least 264 were shot and buried with a bulldozer in a mass grave.
Prosecutors said the victims were largely civilians and sought life sentences for the three officers for effectively allowing the killings to take place. But the judges ruled that Croat fighters were also hiding in the hospital, pretending to be patients or staff. This invalidated charges of crimes against humanity, which apply only to atrocities against civilians, making the sentences lighter.
Serbia is holding a separate trial of 14 former Serb militia members accused of shooting and burying the victims of the massacre. A lower court found them guilty in December 2005, but the Supreme Court ordered a retrial, citing procedural errors.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
ZAGREB, Sept 28 (Reuters) -
Croatian leaders denounced the U.N. war crimes tribunal on Friday for its "shameful" sentences in a 1991 massacre by Serb-led forces near Vukovar and said they would demand a full discussion at the United Nations.
President Stjepan Mesic said the sentences were "utterly unacceptable" and Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, who went overnight to Vukovar to calm angry residents, said he was "bewildered and disappointed" in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon."
Vukovar remains the site of the worst war crimes committed in Croatia" and "together with Sarajevo and Srebrenica, ranks as one of the internationally recognised symbols of war and destruction", he wrote.
The U.N. court in The Hague on Thursday sentenced former Yugoslav army officer Mile Mrksic to 20 years in prison for enabling the massacre of194 people taken from a hospital in Vukovar, then besieged by Yugoslav and rebel Serb troops.
A second ex-officer, Veselin Sljivancanin, was sentenced to five years for torture but cleared of more serious charges. A third, MiroslavRadic, was acquitted on all counts.
Prosecutors had wanted life sentences for all three. Sanader's letter to Ban said Croatia would present its views at theU.N. general assembly and before U.N. security council." It is time to reassess all aspects of the tribunal's work," the letter said.The Hague tribunal ruling shocked the Croatian public, which sees Vukovar as a symbol of its suffering and struggle for independence from Serb-dominated Yugoslavia.
A group of 'Vukovar Mothers' staged a sombre protest at Zagreb's main square, lighting candles and carrying large photographs of their husbands and sons killed in Vukovar. The top-selling daily Jutarnji List wrote an editorial under the headline: "22,000 refugees, 3,000 killed, 260 patients executed. Perpetrators free".
The massacre at Vukovar, close to the border with Serbia, is seen asone of the most brutal episodes of the Yugoslav wars. Besieged at the start of the 1991-95 war, the town fell to Yugoslav forces after a relentless three-month siege. At least 264 people, mainly Croats who sought shelter in the local hospital believing they would be evacuated, were taken to a farm building in nearby Ovcara by Serb militias. The captives were beaten for several hours, then transported in groups of 10 to 20 to a site close by, where at least 264 were shot and buried with a bulldozer in a mass grave.
Prosecutors said the victims were largely civilians and sought life sentences for the three officers for effectively allowing the killings to take place. But the judges ruled that Croat fighters were also hiding in the hospital, pretending to be patients or staff. This invalidated charges of crimes against humanity, which apply only to atrocities against civilians, making the sentences lighter.
Serbia is holding a separate trial of 14 former Serb militia members accused of shooting and burying the victims of the massacre. A lower court found them guilty in December 2005, but the Supreme Court ordered a retrial, citing procedural errors.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Poettering: I Hail Carla Del Ponte's Appeal
Poettering: I Hail Carla Del Ponte's Appeal
European Parliament head Hans-Gert Poettering commented on the verdicts of the 'Vukovar Three' after addressing the parliament.
Lajla Mlinarić Daria Lešić
After speaking before Croatian members of parliament on Friday, the head of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering, addressed reporters. He commented on yesterday's verdicts to the 'Vukovar Three' that shocked the Croatian public. This is a temporary verdict. Carla Del Ponte has lodged an appeal and I expect all the culprits to get real punishment, Poettering said, adding that Del Ponte had the greatest insight into the crimes.
He voiced his confidence in the chief prosecutor of the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, hailing her decision to lodge an appeal.
Poettering congratulated Croatian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Seks and Croatia for their intensive drawing closer towards the European Union, stressing that the importance of today was that some two dozen new laws would be passed. I am expressing my honest wish that Croatia join the EU and that the European Parliament will consent to Croatia's accession into the European Union, he said. Seks said that in addressing the Croatian parliament, Poettering had" strongly confirmed Croatia's need to continue with reforms that are the foundation of a law-based state and to continue with the policy of good neighbourly relations with countries in the region".-In line with that, the parliament joins in efforts that Croatia adopts the legislature necessary for entering the EU - Seks said, voicing hope that Europe would open its doors to Croatia in 2009.
Published: September 28, 2007 12:03h
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Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Poettering: I Hail Carla Del Ponte's Appeal
European Parliament head Hans-Gert Poettering commented on the verdicts of the 'Vukovar Three' after addressing the parliament.
Lajla Mlinarić Daria Lešić
After speaking before Croatian members of parliament on Friday, the head of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering, addressed reporters. He commented on yesterday's verdicts to the 'Vukovar Three' that shocked the Croatian public. This is a temporary verdict. Carla Del Ponte has lodged an appeal and I expect all the culprits to get real punishment, Poettering said, adding that Del Ponte had the greatest insight into the crimes.
He voiced his confidence in the chief prosecutor of the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, hailing her decision to lodge an appeal.
Poettering congratulated Croatian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Seks and Croatia for their intensive drawing closer towards the European Union, stressing that the importance of today was that some two dozen new laws would be passed. I am expressing my honest wish that Croatia join the EU and that the European Parliament will consent to Croatia's accession into the European Union, he said. Seks said that in addressing the Croatian parliament, Poettering had" strongly confirmed Croatia's need to continue with reforms that are the foundation of a law-based state and to continue with the policy of good neighbourly relations with countries in the region".-In line with that, the parliament joins in efforts that Croatia adopts the legislature necessary for entering the EU - Seks said, voicing hope that Europe would open its doors to Croatia in 2009.
Published: September 28, 2007 12:03h
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Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Croatia Shocked by Hague Verdict on Vukovar
Croatia Shocked by Hague Verdict on Vukovar
28 09 2007 Zagreb
Croatia has reacted angrily to what it regards as the leniency of the Hague war crimes Tribunal's verdict in the case of three former Yugoslav army officers tried for the mass killing of Croats in Vukovar in 1991.
Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said Zagreb would send a protest to the UN Security Council which established the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, in the 1990s."I want to state that this is a defeat for the Hague Tribunal", Sanader said after the verdicts were delivered Thursday. "I do not even want to comment these verdicts, because they are shameful".
The ICTY's judges acquitted one of the accused, Miroslav Radic, passed a five-year sentence on Veselin Sljivancanin for torture and a 20-year sentence on Mile Mrksic for murder and torture. The accused had been on trial for involvement in the torture and killing of 264 Croat prisoners of war and civilians who had been taken from Vukovar's hospital to a nearby farm at Ovcara after the town was captured by Serb forces in November 1991.
Croatian President Stipe Mesic said the verdicts were unacceptable not only because of their leniency but also because of the judges' inadequate explanations that accompanied them."
These sentences are very disappointing, especially for the familiesof victims", said Vesna Terselic of the Croatian organization, DOCUMENTA, Center for Dealing with Past."
I cannot erase from my memory television pictures showing Sljivancanin in front of the buses which transported prisoners and civilians to the location where they were tortured and later slaughtered. I expect the prosecution will appeal against the verdict", Terselic told Balkan Insight.
Vukovar inhabitants gathered late into the night on Thursday at the Ovcara memorial to light candles in memory of the victims and express their anger at the ICTY's verdict.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
28 09 2007 Zagreb
Croatia has reacted angrily to what it regards as the leniency of the Hague war crimes Tribunal's verdict in the case of three former Yugoslav army officers tried for the mass killing of Croats in Vukovar in 1991.
Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said Zagreb would send a protest to the UN Security Council which established the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, in the 1990s."I want to state that this is a defeat for the Hague Tribunal", Sanader said after the verdicts were delivered Thursday. "I do not even want to comment these verdicts, because they are shameful".
The ICTY's judges acquitted one of the accused, Miroslav Radic, passed a five-year sentence on Veselin Sljivancanin for torture and a 20-year sentence on Mile Mrksic for murder and torture. The accused had been on trial for involvement in the torture and killing of 264 Croat prisoners of war and civilians who had been taken from Vukovar's hospital to a nearby farm at Ovcara after the town was captured by Serb forces in November 1991.
Croatian President Stipe Mesic said the verdicts were unacceptable not only because of their leniency but also because of the judges' inadequate explanations that accompanied them."
These sentences are very disappointing, especially for the familiesof victims", said Vesna Terselic of the Croatian organization, DOCUMENTA, Center for Dealing with Past."
I cannot erase from my memory television pictures showing Sljivancanin in front of the buses which transported prisoners and civilians to the location where they were tortured and later slaughtered. I expect the prosecution will appeal against the verdict", Terselic told Balkan Insight.
Vukovar inhabitants gathered late into the night on Thursday at the Ovcara memorial to light candles in memory of the victims and express their anger at the ICTY's verdict.
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Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Premier`s Letter Distributed to U.N. Member States
Premier`s Letter Distributed to U.N. Member States
In his letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader expressed profound disappointment with the verdicts to the Vukovar three.
Ivona Barić - Hina M.P.
The letter that Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader sent to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, expressing profound disappointment with the verdict passed by the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) to the former officers of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) for war crimes committed in Vukovar in 1991, will be distributed to the United Nations and Security Council member states over the next few days as a document of the U.N. General Assembly, said Secretary-General's spokesman Farhan Haq on Friday.- When such letters are received, with a request that they be put incirculation as documents, this is promptly put into motion and circulation, so we expect that this will be done in the next few days- said spokesman Haq.- If a letter contains a request for it to be forwarded to the Security Council as a document, then this will be done. This is anaction taken by the U.N. Secretary-General - said Haq in response to the question if the Secretary-General's response to the letter was to be expected.
He added that the letter will be distributed as a General Assembly document early next week. Prime Minister Sanader's letter was delivered to the office of the U.N. Secretary-General in the afternoon on Friday through Croatia's Permanent Mission to the U.N., as the deputy of the Croatian representative at the U.N., ambassador Amir Muharemi, confirmed to news agency Hina.
Fahran Haq: Long prison sentences for the accused two
At the beginning of the press conference on Friday, Fahran said that ICTY had given 'long' prison sentences to the two men indicted for war crimes in Vukovar, while the third man had been acquitted.
When the press asked him on what grounds he assessed that the prison sentences were long and whether he knew that they had stirred bitterness among the Croatian public as exceptionally unjust, he said that there are always those who are not satisfied with verdicts, but that the Tribunal always heeds the rules of the process.- Obviously, whenever there is a verdict, either one or the other side can be dissatisfied with it, at the same time ICTY is trying to heed the process and pass verdicts in keeping with the basic rules - said Haq.- When there is a need to appeal a verdict, action needs to be taken in that direction - he said, adding that he could not speculate on the manner in which the ICTY judges had arrived to the verdict.
Asked to comment on ICTY prosecutors' dissatisfaction with the verdict, Haq said that the prosecutors tried to ensure as long sentences as possible for those charged with the crimes, but that the decision on the verdict was made by judges.
The rift between verdicts and historical facts
In his letter to Ban Ki-Moon, the Croatian Prime Minister expressed "profound disappointment and astonishment" with the verdicts to the former JNA officers, pointing out that there was an obvious rift between the verdicts and historical facts regarding their crimes.
He announced that Croatia would state its opinion on the issue during the debate at the General Assembly, under the item 77 of the agenda (report on ICTY's work), as well as before the Security Council.
Sanader asked that his letter be distributed among the U.N. member states as a General Assembly document under the item 77 of the agenda and as a Security Council document.
Published: September 28, 2007 22:17h
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Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Premier`s Letter Distributed to U.N. Member States
In his letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader expressed profound disappointment with the verdicts to the Vukovar three.
Ivona Barić - Hina M.P.
The letter that Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader sent to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, expressing profound disappointment with the verdict passed by the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) to the former officers of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) for war crimes committed in Vukovar in 1991, will be distributed to the United Nations and Security Council member states over the next few days as a document of the U.N. General Assembly, said Secretary-General's spokesman Farhan Haq on Friday.- When such letters are received, with a request that they be put incirculation as documents, this is promptly put into motion and circulation, so we expect that this will be done in the next few days- said spokesman Haq.- If a letter contains a request for it to be forwarded to the Security Council as a document, then this will be done. This is anaction taken by the U.N. Secretary-General - said Haq in response to the question if the Secretary-General's response to the letter was to be expected.
He added that the letter will be distributed as a General Assembly document early next week. Prime Minister Sanader's letter was delivered to the office of the U.N. Secretary-General in the afternoon on Friday through Croatia's Permanent Mission to the U.N., as the deputy of the Croatian representative at the U.N., ambassador Amir Muharemi, confirmed to news agency Hina.
Fahran Haq: Long prison sentences for the accused two
At the beginning of the press conference on Friday, Fahran said that ICTY had given 'long' prison sentences to the two men indicted for war crimes in Vukovar, while the third man had been acquitted.
When the press asked him on what grounds he assessed that the prison sentences were long and whether he knew that they had stirred bitterness among the Croatian public as exceptionally unjust, he said that there are always those who are not satisfied with verdicts, but that the Tribunal always heeds the rules of the process.- Obviously, whenever there is a verdict, either one or the other side can be dissatisfied with it, at the same time ICTY is trying to heed the process and pass verdicts in keeping with the basic rules - said Haq.- When there is a need to appeal a verdict, action needs to be taken in that direction - he said, adding that he could not speculate on the manner in which the ICTY judges had arrived to the verdict.
Asked to comment on ICTY prosecutors' dissatisfaction with the verdict, Haq said that the prosecutors tried to ensure as long sentences as possible for those charged with the crimes, but that the decision on the verdict was made by judges.
The rift between verdicts and historical facts
In his letter to Ban Ki-Moon, the Croatian Prime Minister expressed "profound disappointment and astonishment" with the verdicts to the former JNA officers, pointing out that there was an obvious rift between the verdicts and historical facts regarding their crimes.
He announced that Croatia would state its opinion on the issue during the debate at the General Assembly, under the item 77 of the agenda (report on ICTY's work), as well as before the Security Council.
Sanader asked that his letter be distributed among the U.N. member states as a General Assembly document under the item 77 of the agenda and as a Security Council document.
Published: September 28, 2007 22:17h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Unacceptable Veredict
European Parliamentarians Also Upset About Verdict
PM Sanader has informed the German chancellor Angela Merkel about the unacceptable verdict of the Hague court in the "Vukovar Three" case.
Joseph Stedul - Hina M.P.
The Croatian premier Ivo Sanader, during his participation at the convention of the German CSU in Munich, informed the German chancellor Angela Merkel that the verdict of the Hague court in the "Vukovar Three" case is unacceptable, it says in the report of the Cabinet on Friday night.
The premier informed the president of the Bavarian Cabinet, Edmund Stoiber, the Austrian vice-chancellor Wilhelm Molter, and talked with some other European premiers, it says in the report.
At the CSU convention, Ivo Sanader used the opportunity to hand outthe letter he sent to the chief secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, to the members of the European Parliament present, and familiarise them with the contents.
According to the Cabinet's report, during conversations, the European parliamentarians voiced their disapproval of the verdict which, obviously, did not punish the horrifying crime. On Thursday, the board of the Hague court convicted the former commander of the JNA (Yugoslav People's Army), Mile Mrksic, to 20 years in prison, mayor Veselin Sljivancanin to five years in prison, whilst captain Miroslav Radic was freed of charges. All three of the former JNA members were accused for the massive slaughter.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
European Parliamentarians Also Upset About Verdict
PM Sanader has informed the German chancellor Angela Merkel about the unacceptable verdict of the Hague court in the "Vukovar Three" case.
Joseph Stedul - Hina M.P.
The Croatian premier Ivo Sanader, during his participation at the convention of the German CSU in Munich, informed the German chancellor Angela Merkel that the verdict of the Hague court in the "Vukovar Three" case is unacceptable, it says in the report of the Cabinet on Friday night.
The premier informed the president of the Bavarian Cabinet, Edmund Stoiber, the Austrian vice-chancellor Wilhelm Molter, and talked with some other European premiers, it says in the report.
At the CSU convention, Ivo Sanader used the opportunity to hand outthe letter he sent to the chief secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon, to the members of the European Parliament present, and familiarise them with the contents.
According to the Cabinet's report, during conversations, the European parliamentarians voiced their disapproval of the verdict which, obviously, did not punish the horrifying crime. On Thursday, the board of the Hague court convicted the former commander of the JNA (Yugoslav People's Army), Mile Mrksic, to 20 years in prison, mayor Veselin Sljivancanin to five years in prison, whilst captain Miroslav Radic was freed of charges. All three of the former JNA members were accused for the massive slaughter.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Hague's Ruling Is Unacceptable
Veterans Minister: Hague's Ruling Is Unacceptable
Minister Kosor says that the Hague's decision is absolutely unacceptable, especially since the whole world witnessed the Vukovar crimes.
Ivona Barić
HinaPhoto: archive
Government Vice-President and Minister of the Family, Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity Jadranka Kosor commented on the verdicts to the Vukovar three today, saying that it was an incredibly shameful decision by the Hague Tribunal.
For us in Croatia, the decision is incredible because we witnessed the Vukovar casualties and, to Vukovar citizens, it is absolutely unacceptable and beyond any reason, because they were exiled and because many of their sons and daughters died, said Kosor to the press on the occasion of the International Right to Information Day.
She says that the whole world witnessed the crime that occurred at the Vukovar hospital and on Ovcara. "We all are witnesses," Kosor said. She reiterated that the government would send a letter to the UN Security Council today and request a debate on the issue, but also to the Hague Tribunal's trial chamber, with clear and strict assessments saying that this is unacceptable and that such a verdict undermines the idea of the Hague Tribunal.
Asked if such a decision would have a negative effect on the citizens' support for Croatia's entry in the EU, Kosor says that she thinks that citizens are aware of how important it is for Croatia to join the EU and that the country should be at the table where decisions get made.
She says that she is certain that the citizens are mature enough to think about the benefits and advantages that membership in the EU brings.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Veterans Minister: Hague's Ruling Is Unacceptable
Minister Kosor says that the Hague's decision is absolutely unacceptable, especially since the whole world witnessed the Vukovar crimes.
Ivona Barić
HinaPhoto: archive
Government Vice-President and Minister of the Family, Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity Jadranka Kosor commented on the verdicts to the Vukovar three today, saying that it was an incredibly shameful decision by the Hague Tribunal.
For us in Croatia, the decision is incredible because we witnessed the Vukovar casualties and, to Vukovar citizens, it is absolutely unacceptable and beyond any reason, because they were exiled and because many of their sons and daughters died, said Kosor to the press on the occasion of the International Right to Information Day.
She says that the whole world witnessed the crime that occurred at the Vukovar hospital and on Ovcara. "We all are witnesses," Kosor said. She reiterated that the government would send a letter to the UN Security Council today and request a debate on the issue, but also to the Hague Tribunal's trial chamber, with clear and strict assessments saying that this is unacceptable and that such a verdict undermines the idea of the Hague Tribunal.
Asked if such a decision would have a negative effect on the citizens' support for Croatia's entry in the EU, Kosor says that she thinks that citizens are aware of how important it is for Croatia to join the EU and that the country should be at the table where decisions get made.
She says that she is certain that the citizens are mature enough to think about the benefits and advantages that membership in the EU brings.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Justice Has Died
Disabled War Veterans: Justice Has Died
War veterans association HVIDRA sent an official request to the Parliament asking them to end their cooperation with the HagueTribunal.
vona Barić Hina Photo: archive
Croatian Disabled Homeland War Veterans Association (HVIDRA) thinks that, with the verdict passed to the 'Vukovar three,' indicted for war crimes in Vukovar in 1991, the Hague Tribunal lost its credibility, said HVIDRA President Josip Djakic at a press conference today.
He says that this brings into question the ongoing purpose of the existence of the constitutional law on the cooperation of the Republic of Croatia with the International Tribunal in the Hague.
He points out that the association sent an official letter to the Croatian Parliament today requesting that a debate be started on the issue.
Djakic says that disabled homeland war veterans are embittered by the scandalous decisions made by the Hague Tribunal, "where they punish real war criminals for whom irrefutable evidence exists as if they had committed a traffic violation." "There is no justice, justice has died," says Djakic, adding that there is no international justice for Croatia. HVIDRA thinks that this verdict turns all the acts and resolutions into a "dead letter onpaper."
He asks whether the international community and the Hague prosecutors do not recognize the executioners who stood before the cameras and clearly and unambiguously gave orders to execute the wounded, the civilians and Vukovar citizens.
In response to a question about the protests, Djakic said that protests were held in Varazdin and Vukovar yesterday and are being held in Zagreb today. He announced that they would keep protesting and using every democratic means available to them to keep pointing to the fact that Croatia is once again in danger of those who are unable totell the victim from the aggressor.
Djakic says that they are not opposed to justice and justness, but merely want it to be applied equally to everyone. President of the HVIDRA management board Josip Perisa also voiced dissatisfaction with the Hague Tribunal's ruling. He pointed out thatthe ruling was a confirmation of a theory HVIDRA has had for years, that the Hague Tribunal was a political court whose purpose was to show that everyone in this region was the same and that there is neither a victim nor an aggressor here.
Published: September 28, 2007 17:08h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Disabled War Veterans: Justice Has Died
War veterans association HVIDRA sent an official request to the Parliament asking them to end their cooperation with the HagueTribunal.
vona Barić Hina Photo: archive
Croatian Disabled Homeland War Veterans Association (HVIDRA) thinks that, with the verdict passed to the 'Vukovar three,' indicted for war crimes in Vukovar in 1991, the Hague Tribunal lost its credibility, said HVIDRA President Josip Djakic at a press conference today.
He says that this brings into question the ongoing purpose of the existence of the constitutional law on the cooperation of the Republic of Croatia with the International Tribunal in the Hague.
He points out that the association sent an official letter to the Croatian Parliament today requesting that a debate be started on the issue.
Djakic says that disabled homeland war veterans are embittered by the scandalous decisions made by the Hague Tribunal, "where they punish real war criminals for whom irrefutable evidence exists as if they had committed a traffic violation." "There is no justice, justice has died," says Djakic, adding that there is no international justice for Croatia. HVIDRA thinks that this verdict turns all the acts and resolutions into a "dead letter onpaper."
He asks whether the international community and the Hague prosecutors do not recognize the executioners who stood before the cameras and clearly and unambiguously gave orders to execute the wounded, the civilians and Vukovar citizens.
In response to a question about the protests, Djakic said that protests were held in Varazdin and Vukovar yesterday and are being held in Zagreb today. He announced that they would keep protesting and using every democratic means available to them to keep pointing to the fact that Croatia is once again in danger of those who are unable totell the victim from the aggressor.
Djakic says that they are not opposed to justice and justness, but merely want it to be applied equally to everyone. President of the HVIDRA management board Josip Perisa also voiced dissatisfaction with the Hague Tribunal's ruling. He pointed out thatthe ruling was a confirmation of a theory HVIDRA has had for years, that the Hague Tribunal was a political court whose purpose was to show that everyone in this region was the same and that there is neither a victim nor an aggressor here.
Published: September 28, 2007 17:08h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Caritas Croata Cardenal Stepinac anuncia
El Té de Caritas Croata se realizará el dia sábado 20 de octubre en el salón de MALA SKOLA, Pico 4930, Capital, comenzando a las 17 hs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Conferencias sobre el registro para votar - croata
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Conferencias sobre el registro para votar - castellano
En relación a las próximas elecciones para el Parlamento de Croacia, que se prevee realizar a fines de noviembre de este año, la Embajada de la República de Croacia en Buenos Aires ha organizando conferencias respecto de las elecciones, a saber :
- el día 7 de octubre de 2007 a las 12 horas en el Centro Católico Croata “San Nicolás Tavelić” – sito en Avda. Ricardo Balbín 4925 (1430) Capital Federal.
- el día 12 de octubre de 2007 a las 20 horas en el “Hogar Croata” de Montevideo – República Oriental del Uruguay – sito en Luis Alberto de Herrera 3901 – Montevideo.
- el día 14 de octubre de 2007 a las 11 horas en el Centro Católico Croata “San Leopoldo Mandić” - sito en Brandsen 3426 (1754) San Justo – Provincia de Buenos Aires.
- el día 19 de octubre de 2007 a las 20 horas en el “Hogar Croata” de la ciudad de Córdoba – sito en Martel de los Ríos 2563 (5009) - Provincia de Córdoba.
- el día 21 de octubre de 2007 a las 11.30 horas en el “Instituto Cristo Rey” – sita en 25 de mazo 1262 (1871) Dock Sud – Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Invitamos a todos los interesados ciudadanos croatas que tienen la intención de votar en las citadas elecciones que presencien estas conferencias. Los ciudadanos croatas tras estas conferencias podrán realizar la registración previa para votar (en relación a ello solicitamos tener a disposición: el pasaporte croata, la cédula de identidad, el certificado de ciudadanía o la resolución de recepción de la ciudadanía croata)
Mira Martinec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
- el día 7 de octubre de 2007 a las 12 horas en el Centro Católico Croata “San Nicolás Tavelić” – sito en Avda. Ricardo Balbín 4925 (1430) Capital Federal.
- el día 12 de octubre de 2007 a las 20 horas en el “Hogar Croata” de Montevideo – República Oriental del Uruguay – sito en Luis Alberto de Herrera 3901 – Montevideo.
- el día 14 de octubre de 2007 a las 11 horas en el Centro Católico Croata “San Leopoldo Mandić” - sito en Brandsen 3426 (1754) San Justo – Provincia de Buenos Aires.
- el día 19 de octubre de 2007 a las 20 horas en el “Hogar Croata” de la ciudad de Córdoba – sito en Martel de los Ríos 2563 (5009) - Provincia de Córdoba.
- el día 21 de octubre de 2007 a las 11.30 horas en el “Instituto Cristo Rey” – sita en 25 de mazo 1262 (1871) Dock Sud – Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Invitamos a todos los interesados ciudadanos croatas que tienen la intención de votar en las citadas elecciones que presencien estas conferencias. Los ciudadanos croatas tras estas conferencias podrán realizar la registración previa para votar (en relación a ello solicitamos tener a disposición: el pasaporte croata, la cédula de identidad, el certificado de ciudadanía o la resolución de recepción de la ciudadanía croata)
Mira Martinec
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Wednesday, 19 September 2007

La Fundación para la Emigración Croata invita a todos los editores, libreros y particulares a que participen en la Exposición de la acitividad editorial de la emigración croata que tendrá lugar del 7 al 11 de Noviembre de 2007 haciendo parte de la exposición internacional de los libros más prestigiosa en Croacia, llamada Interliber, que por vigésima octava vez tradicionalmente cada otoño organiza La Gran Feria de Zagreb.
El registro de los libros de los autores de la emigración croata lo esperamos hasta el 1 de Octubre de 2007.
Envíen la confirmación del registro para la Exposición con la lista de los libros al correo electrónico
Para la exposición pueden presentarse editores y particulares de todas las áreas de la actividad humana: literatura, las diferentes actividades científicas, editores de libros escolares dedicados a las escuelas croatas en emigración y esto en el idioma de los países de domicilio donde residan los croatas o ciudadanos de origen croata en cualquier parte del mundo.
En la Exposición en la Gran Feria de Zagreb se presentará y la actual producción editorial de la Fundación para la Emigración Croata. El tema del proyecto de este año es La Literatura Croata en la Lengua Española.
Rogamos a nuestros editores de los diferentes paises que informen sus lectores sobre esta exposición: Zajedničar (Pittsburgh), Nova Hrvatska / New Croatia Weekly (Sydney), Hrvatski vjesnik / The Croatian Herald (Melbourne), Spremnost (Sydney), Male novine - Boletin informativo de las instituciones Croatas de Magallanes, Punta Arenas – Chile (Punta Arenas), Croacia Eterna / Vječna Hrvatska (Buenos Aires), Studia Croatica - Revista de estudios politicos y culturales (Buenos Aires), Naša nada / Our Hope (Chicago), American Croatian Review (Arcadia), Glasnik HSS / Messenger CPP (Vancouver), Hrvatske novine (Željezno Hotterweg & Beč), Hrvatski glasnik (Budimpešta), Hrvatski glasnik / Kroatiska Riksforbundets (Goteborg), Živa zajednica / Lebendige Gemeinde (Frankfurt).
Esperamos sus inscripciones para la Exposición.
Katarina Fuček, prof.
Directora de la FEC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Međunarodni sajam knjiga i učila INTERLIBER

Zagreb, 7. – 11. studenoga 2007.30. međunarodni sajam knjiga i učila INTERLIBER
Tema projekta 2007.: Hispano Croatica
Organizator: Hrvatska matica iseljenika
Pokrovitelji i suorganizator: Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija
Hrvatska matica iseljenika prezentirat će najnoviju nakladničku djelatnost hrvatskoga iseljeništva iz svijeta u projektu Hrvatske knjige izvan Hrvatske na Međunarodnome sajmu knjiga INTERLIBER, koji po 30. put priređuje Zagrebački velesajam.
Unatoč velikom broju pristiglih knjiga, Hrvatska matica iseljenika produžava rok za prijave do 1. listopada 2007.
Glavna tema Matičina projekta Hrvatska knjiga izvan Hrvatske na jubilarnom 30. Interliberu je Hispano Croatica. Drugim riječima, odlučili smo pokazati domaćoj javnosti hrvatske pisce iz iseljeništva koji pišu na španjolskom jeziku, koji im je zapravo materinski, dok im je hrvatski jezik - jezik njihovih pradjedova i jezik komunikacije u manjinskoj zajednici.
Naime, iz opće slike nakladničke djelatnosti hrvatskoga iseljeništva u jubilarnom 30. Interliberu prigoda je pokazati najznačajnije književnike hrvatskoga podrijetla koji pišu na španjolskome jeziku – svih naraštaja.
Slika aktualne književne produkcije pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla koji pišu na španjolskome jeziku iz Čilea, Argentine, Urugvaja, Perua i Venezuele bit će korisna studentima humanističkih i društvenih znanosti te studentima Hrvatskih studija na Sveučilištima u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Splitu kao i najširoj čitalačkoj publici u Republici Hrvatskoj, ali i cijelome europskom kontinentu. Stručni savjetnik Hrvatskoj matici iseljenika na ovom projektu je profesor Jerko Ljubetić, dopisni član čileanske Akademije za jezik.
U sklopu 30. Interlibera održat će se svečana prezentacija romana Huana Mihovilovicha Zaraza ludila, u prijevodu profesora Jerka Ljubetića, koji će Hrvatska matica iseljenika objaviti u sunakladništvu s Nakladom Bošković iz Splita, koja se na kulturnoj sceni afirmirala kontinuiranim objavljivanjem vrsnih čileanskih pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla.
U cilju što potpunije prezentacije hrvatskih pisaca koji pišu na španjolskome jeziku i čileanskih pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla u sklopu 30. Interlibera održat će se stručni skup pod nazivom Hispano Croatica. Matičin stručni tim vodit će računa – da glavna tema ne zasjeni vrijedne autore i nakladnike iz drugih sredina i jezičnih okruženja. Matičin stručni tim vodit će brigu o prezentaciji na 30. Interliberu svih pristiglih naslova iseljeničkog nakladništva i na drugim jezicima, kao i na dragom nam materinskom jeziku – hrvatskom.
Projekt HKH će posebno paziti i na izdanja iz zemalja u kojima žive hrvatske autohtone manjine. Organizacijski tim se već potrudio da u potpunosti opravda puni naziv projekta Hrvatske knjige izvan Hrvatske / Izložba nakladničke djelatnosti iz hrvatskoga iseljeništva, zemalja u kojima žive hrvatske autohtone manjine te Bosne i Hercegovine.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatrske: Poziv za sudjelovanje -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Sobre el concierto del grupo Valovi
Hola Joza:
Un gusto de saludarlo. Debido a la distancia y mis probables compromisos para la época citada no podré concurrir al concierto a que alude. No obstante le agradezco su invitación pues es para mi muy importante todo cuanto concierne a Croacia y los croatas (estoy a 1.000 kilómetros de Buenos Aires).
De todas formas ya lo he retransmitido a mis hijas que viven en ésa y creo seguramente asistirán con mucho gusto.
Un cordial abrazo y gracias por la difusión que hace de aspectos culturales de la patria de nuestros orígenes. Hasta cualquier momento.
Juan Markan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Carla del Ponte: Bijeg od istine
Autor: dr. sc. Tomislav Dragun
Srijeda, 05 Rujan 2007
Carla del Ponte: Bijeg od istine, knjiga, autor dr. sc. Tomislav Dragun, na hrvatskom i na (dijelom) engleskom jeziku, str. 641
Hrvati su stari europski narod. U svojoj postojbini žive već višetisuća godina. Njihovi protivnici, potaknuti Luciferovom ideologijom i pogledima, nastoje im to na svaki način osporiti. Nerijetko oružjem.
Zato su česte i ratne borbe vezane za ostvarenje hrvatskenezavisnosti. Metode su pritom različite, ali je cilj uvijek isti. Unovije doba neke su hrvatske struje vidjele izlaz u suradnji snositeljima jugoslavenske utopije, dok su druge odlučno odbijale prihvatiti takve nebuloze. S pravom.
Vrhunac borbi za hrvatsku nezavisnost bio je Domovinski rat koji je završio proglašenjem slobodne i samostalne Republike Hrvatske.
Hrvatski general Ante Gotovina, zapovijedajući Olujom, bio je jedna odnajzaslužnijih osoba za tu pobjedu. Zbog toga ga je pak, bježeći od istine, optužila Carla del Ponte, glavna tužiteljica sudišta u Haagu. Ne slažući se stakvom politikom Hrvatski uljudbeni pokret iz Zagreba je protiv Carle del Ponte podniokaznenu prijavu i optužni prijedlog radi lažnog optuživanja generala Ante Gotovine.
Ulomci iz knjige, oko 70-tak stranica, mogu se vidjeti na sljedećinačin:
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Autor: dr. sc. Tomislav Dragun
Srijeda, 05 Rujan 2007
Carla del Ponte: Bijeg od istine, knjiga, autor dr. sc. Tomislav Dragun, na hrvatskom i na (dijelom) engleskom jeziku, str. 641
Hrvati su stari europski narod. U svojoj postojbini žive već višetisuća godina. Njihovi protivnici, potaknuti Luciferovom ideologijom i pogledima, nastoje im to na svaki način osporiti. Nerijetko oružjem.
Zato su česte i ratne borbe vezane za ostvarenje hrvatskenezavisnosti. Metode su pritom različite, ali je cilj uvijek isti. Unovije doba neke su hrvatske struje vidjele izlaz u suradnji snositeljima jugoslavenske utopije, dok su druge odlučno odbijale prihvatiti takve nebuloze. S pravom.
Vrhunac borbi za hrvatsku nezavisnost bio je Domovinski rat koji je završio proglašenjem slobodne i samostalne Republike Hrvatske.
Hrvatski general Ante Gotovina, zapovijedajući Olujom, bio je jedna odnajzaslužnijih osoba za tu pobjedu. Zbog toga ga je pak, bježeći od istine, optužila Carla del Ponte, glavna tužiteljica sudišta u Haagu. Ne slažući se stakvom politikom Hrvatski uljudbeni pokret iz Zagreba je protiv Carle del Ponte podniokaznenu prijavu i optužni prijedlog radi lažnog optuživanja generala Ante Gotovine.
Ulomci iz knjige, oko 70-tak stranica, mogu se vidjeti na sljedećinačin:
Search: Dragun
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Apel Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa Vladi Republike Hrvatske
Hrvatski svjetski kongres HSK
Izvrsni odbor
Zagreb, 1. rujna 2007.
Vlada Republike Hrvatske Ivo Sanader, Predsjednik Vlade
Trg sv.Marka 2
10 000 Zagreb
Predmet: Apel Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa Vladi Republike Hrvatske i hrvatskoj javnosti za znanstveno istrazivanje masovnih grobnica pogubljenih pripadnika oruzanih snaga NDH i hrvatskih civila za vrijeme Bleiburske tragedije i Kriznog puta
Postovani gospodine Predsjednice,
Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi Republike Slovenije i slovenska Drzavna komisija za rjesavanje pitanja masovnih grobista objavili su najnovija saznanja i donijeli odluku o sondiranju nekadasnjeg protutenkovskog rova u Teznom pokraj Maribora. Spomenuta lokacija slovi kao najveca masovna grobnica Hrvata nakon drugog svjetskog rata.
Postovani gospodine Predsjednice, apeliramo na Vas i Vladu Republike Hrvatske da pruzite punu podrsku ovom pothvatu.
Jednako tako apeliramo da prihvatite sporazum koji je 2003. godine predlozila vlada Republike Slovenije o zbrinjavanju posmrtnih ostataka zrtava drugog svjetskog rata stradalih na podrucju bivse Jugoslavije.
Prema dostupnim izvorima, u Sloveniji je do sada identificirano 540 masovnih grobnica pripadnika tako zvanih "neprijateljskih vojski" kao i velikog broja civilnog stanovnistva. Misljenja smo da je u Hrvatskoj takodjer potrebno u potpunosti istraziti i identificirati sve masovne grobnice nastale u vrijeme i poslije Drugog svjetskog rata. Hrvati su se kao i ostali narodi Europe i svijeta bili ukljuceni u oruzani sukob Drugog svjetskog rata. U uvjetima masovnih stradanja zatekli su se i pripadnici hrvatskih oruzanih snaga kao i masa civila koje su partizanske jedinice sustavno i masovno likvidirale bez utvrdjivanja eventualne krivnje. Zrtve odmazdi partizanskih jedinica ni danas, sezdeset godina nakon ovog magnum crimen-a, nisu pravicno zbrinute a njihovi ostaci cekaju iskop i dostojno konacno pocivaliste.
Problem na koji ukazujemo jedan je od kljucnih faktora podjela u suvremenom hrvatskom drustvu. Petnaest godina nakon raspada SFRJ u hrvatskom su drustvu vidljive podjele naslijedjene iz bivseg politickog sustava. Zelja nam je razrijesiti spomenute podjele u periodu pristupnih aktivnosti europskoj zajednici, cijom cemo punopravnom clanicom postati u najskorije vrijeme. Sve su se drzave europske zajednice jasno odredile prema svakom obliku totalitarizma: nacizmu, fasizmu i komunizmu u vlastitim povijesnim prilikama.
Nazalost, u Hrvatskoj nije ucinjeno dovoljno.
Suvremena Republika Hrvatska kao pravna drzava i cimbenik medjunarodnih pravnih i politickih odnosa mora se suociti sa svojom vlastitom prosloscu. Hrvatska i hrvatski narod trebaju stupiti u punopravno clanstvo zajednice europskih naroda oslobodjeni tereta svoje nedavne proslosti. To je pitanje moralnih i pravicnih zasada zajednice i njenog zivota i prosperiteta izmirenog sa svojom kolektivnom savjescu.
Apeliramo stoga da se u cijelosti dovrsi projekt pronalazenja i evidentiranja zrtava na teritorijima Republike Slovenije, Republike Hrvatske kao i susjednih drzava, republika bivse SFRJ.
Takoder apeliramo da se sustavno i neovisno od politickih prilika i interesnih grupa znanstveno istraze svi aspekti stradanja Hrvata za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata i poraca, a stradalima oda duzno postovanje pokapanjem njihovih posmrtnih ostataka na tlu domovine Hrvatske.
S postovanjem,
Izvrsni odbor - Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Izvrsni odbor
Zagreb, 1. rujna 2007.
Vlada Republike Hrvatske Ivo Sanader, Predsjednik Vlade
Trg sv.Marka 2
10 000 Zagreb
Predmet: Apel Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa Vladi Republike Hrvatske i hrvatskoj javnosti za znanstveno istrazivanje masovnih grobnica pogubljenih pripadnika oruzanih snaga NDH i hrvatskih civila za vrijeme Bleiburske tragedije i Kriznog puta
Postovani gospodine Predsjednice,
Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi Republike Slovenije i slovenska Drzavna komisija za rjesavanje pitanja masovnih grobista objavili su najnovija saznanja i donijeli odluku o sondiranju nekadasnjeg protutenkovskog rova u Teznom pokraj Maribora. Spomenuta lokacija slovi kao najveca masovna grobnica Hrvata nakon drugog svjetskog rata.
Postovani gospodine Predsjednice, apeliramo na Vas i Vladu Republike Hrvatske da pruzite punu podrsku ovom pothvatu.
Jednako tako apeliramo da prihvatite sporazum koji je 2003. godine predlozila vlada Republike Slovenije o zbrinjavanju posmrtnih ostataka zrtava drugog svjetskog rata stradalih na podrucju bivse Jugoslavije.
Prema dostupnim izvorima, u Sloveniji je do sada identificirano 540 masovnih grobnica pripadnika tako zvanih "neprijateljskih vojski" kao i velikog broja civilnog stanovnistva. Misljenja smo da je u Hrvatskoj takodjer potrebno u potpunosti istraziti i identificirati sve masovne grobnice nastale u vrijeme i poslije Drugog svjetskog rata. Hrvati su se kao i ostali narodi Europe i svijeta bili ukljuceni u oruzani sukob Drugog svjetskog rata. U uvjetima masovnih stradanja zatekli su se i pripadnici hrvatskih oruzanih snaga kao i masa civila koje su partizanske jedinice sustavno i masovno likvidirale bez utvrdjivanja eventualne krivnje. Zrtve odmazdi partizanskih jedinica ni danas, sezdeset godina nakon ovog magnum crimen-a, nisu pravicno zbrinute a njihovi ostaci cekaju iskop i dostojno konacno pocivaliste.
Problem na koji ukazujemo jedan je od kljucnih faktora podjela u suvremenom hrvatskom drustvu. Petnaest godina nakon raspada SFRJ u hrvatskom su drustvu vidljive podjele naslijedjene iz bivseg politickog sustava. Zelja nam je razrijesiti spomenute podjele u periodu pristupnih aktivnosti europskoj zajednici, cijom cemo punopravnom clanicom postati u najskorije vrijeme. Sve su se drzave europske zajednice jasno odredile prema svakom obliku totalitarizma: nacizmu, fasizmu i komunizmu u vlastitim povijesnim prilikama.
Nazalost, u Hrvatskoj nije ucinjeno dovoljno.
Suvremena Republika Hrvatska kao pravna drzava i cimbenik medjunarodnih pravnih i politickih odnosa mora se suociti sa svojom vlastitom prosloscu. Hrvatska i hrvatski narod trebaju stupiti u punopravno clanstvo zajednice europskih naroda oslobodjeni tereta svoje nedavne proslosti. To je pitanje moralnih i pravicnih zasada zajednice i njenog zivota i prosperiteta izmirenog sa svojom kolektivnom savjescu.
Apeliramo stoga da se u cijelosti dovrsi projekt pronalazenja i evidentiranja zrtava na teritorijima Republike Slovenije, Republike Hrvatske kao i susjednih drzava, republika bivse SFRJ.
Takoder apeliramo da se sustavno i neovisno od politickih prilika i interesnih grupa znanstveno istraze svi aspekti stradanja Hrvata za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata i poraca, a stradalima oda duzno postovanje pokapanjem njihovih posmrtnih ostataka na tlu domovine Hrvatske.
S postovanjem,
Izvrsni odbor - Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aviso - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - Oglas- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoći – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Odvjetnica
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
(+54-11) 4811-8706 (+54-911) 6564-9585 (+54-911) 5112-0000
Concierto de Valovi - Subscríbase gratuitamente a nuestros videos -en estos momentos tenemos puestos 22 video clips-
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El conjunto coral “VALOVI” se complace en invitar a Uds. a su concierto a realizarse el día domingo 4 de noviembre de 2007 a las 19 horas en el Auditorio del Colegio "Santa Ana y San Joaquín" sito en Olazábal 1440 (1428) Capital Federal.
El concierto será auspiciado por la Embajada de Croacia y contará con la participación de grupos corales e instrumentales invitados.
Las entradas se podrán adquirir próximamente por adelantado. Los invitamos a compartir este maravilloso acontecimiento.
Próximamente se ampliará la información
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoci – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Croatian Lawyer– Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata -
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
Clientes y casos en: Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, Croacia, España/Spain, Estados Unidos/United States, Francia, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela - Subscríbase gratuitamente a nuestros videos -en estos momentos tenemos puestos 22 video clips-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
El conjunto coral “VALOVI” se complace en invitar a Uds. a su concierto a realizarse el día domingo 4 de noviembre de 2007 a las 19 horas en el Auditorio del Colegio "Santa Ana y San Joaquín" sito en Olazábal 1440 (1428) Capital Federal.
El concierto será auspiciado por la Embajada de Croacia y contará con la participación de grupos corales e instrumentales invitados.
Las entradas se podrán adquirir próximamente por adelantado. Los invitamos a compartir este maravilloso acontecimiento.
Próximamente se ampliará la información
Servicios jurídicos – Traducciones – Propiedades inmuebles – Bienes raíces –Sucesiones – Poderes – Inscripción de propiedades – Contratos – Testamentos
Legal services: Civil and commercial – Translations – Real Estate – Probate Proceedings – Powers of Attorney – Property registration – Contracts – Wills
Pravne usluge – Prijevodi – Nekretnine – Ostavinski postupci – Punomoci – Upis pravo vlasništva – Ugovori– Oporuke
Dra. Adriana Smajic – Abogada y Traductora pública de idioma croata – Attorney at Law - Croatian Lawyer– Odvjetnica – Abogado croata – Traductor croata -
Joza Vrljicak – Master in Economics (Concordia U, Montreal)
Clientes y casos en: Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, Croacia, España/Spain, Estados Unidos/United States, Francia, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela
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