Nominations Open: Croatian Women of Influence Award
Recognizing leadership, innovation & community impact
The Croatian Women’s Network is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the inaugural Croatian Women of Influence Award and the Top 20-Under-20 Future Leaders Award.
The Croatian Women of Influence Award recognizes leadership, innovation and community impact of women of Croatian ancestry and will be conferred to nominees from the Republic of Croatia and from the vast Croatian diaspora.
A companion Top-20-Under-20 Future Leaders award will be conferred to enterprising young women from the ages of 16-20. Winners will be granted a financial award and will have the opportunity to partner with a network champion and mentor to assist them in developing their projects.
“These awards provide a platform for showcasing the rich contribution of female leaders of Croatian decent in academia, arts and culture, business, the military, philanthropy and sport,” said Caroline Spivak, Founder of the Croatian Women’s Network and the Croatian Women of Influence award. “We have the opportunity to inspire future leaders and connect distinguished women globally.”
Awards will be presented at a gala event on International Women’s Day, Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the famed Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb, following a day-long conference: Advancing Women, Advancing Economies. Realize the Potential.
The Croatian Women’s Network and the Croatian Women of Influence Award are a platform to connect successful women from around the world, who share Croatian ancestry and heritage, to celebrate their achievements, to inspire, champion and mentor younger generations and to advance and empower women.
Nomination forms can be accessed at and will be accepted up until midnight local time on Wednesday, October 21, 2015.
Otvaranje nominacija za nagradu: Utjecajne hrvatske Žene i Top-20-Under-20 Future Leaders
Prepoznavanje vodstva, inovacije i angažiranost u društvu
Toronto, Canada i Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska, 24. rujan 2015. – Croatian Women’s Network, sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje da su nominacije otvorene za nagradu „Utjecajne hrvatske žene“ i za nagradu „Top-20-Under-20 Future Leaders“.
Nagrada Utjecajne hrvatske žene prepoznaje vodstvo, inovacije i angažman žena hrvatskog podrijetla diljem Republike Hrvatske i u svijetu.
Nagrada Top-20-Under-20 Future Leaders namijenjena je djevojkama u dobi između 16-20 godina. Pobjednicima će se dodijeliti novčana nagrada, pružit će im se prilika za suradnju s iskusnijim mentorom koji može pomoći u razvoju njihovih projekata.
„Ova nagrada pruža platformu kojom želimo ukazati na bogat doprinos žena hrvatskog podrijetla kako u akademskoj zajednici, u humanitarnim organizacija, gospodarstvu, umjetnosti i kulture, oružanim snagama tako i u sportu", rekla je Caroline Spivak, osnivač Croatian Women’s Network i nagrade Utjecanje hrvatske žene. „Imamo priliku inspirirati buduće lidere i povezati ugledne hrvatske žene diljem svijeta."
Nagrade će biti predstavljene na gala večeri na prilikom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana žena, u utorak, 8. ožujka 2016. u hotelu Esplanade u Zagrebu, nakon cjelodnevne konferencije: Napredak žena, napredak ekonomije. Ostvari potencijal.
Obrazac za nominacije možete ispuniti na stranicama, do ponoći po lokalnom vremenu, u srijedu, 21. listopada 2015. godine.
Caroline Spivak, ICD.D
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